Melt - Part 2

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Simone had been at the cafe waiting for a date after hanging with her friends. Thirty minutes passed when she realized that she was stood up. There was no call , no text - nothing until someone from the rival school's football team came to tell her it was all a bet. Simone  didn't know rather to be pissed or hurt. She didn't do this but she was trying to step out of her comfort zone.

It was even worse that the asshole couldn't tell herself. She was glad he felt bad but a mood lightened when she heard from her best friend. Taking an Uber to the Baker house , she saw their home more than her own. Her parents were always out of town so she had the house to herself a little too often. Laura always had her stay in the guest bedroom when this happened no matter how much Simone tried to reject the offer. Sleeping in a house with her best friend and her best friend's brother whom she had a crush on was difficult.

Jordan leaned against his door frame hearing Liv apologize to Simone. He heard her mention that she didn't deserve being stood up and that she was for sure going to punch the guy in his balls next time she saw him. Jordan already had an inkling on who the asshole was so he was glad to do it on her behalf.  Hearing Simone say she was going to get popcorn , Jordan stepped back in his room.

When he leaned over the balcony seeing her in the kitchen , he ran to Liv's room closing the door.

"There you are! Are you going to watch movies with us?"  Liv asked, surprised she was even asking.

"What was that about?"

"Oh, some guy from Westlake was suppose to take her out and bailed. He just wanted to get in her pants because typical boy behavior." Liv huffed rolling her eyes.

"Do you know who it was?" He knew a few of them by name.

"Uh... Dave, Damien , Daniel..."

"Dane?" He cut her off.

"Yes! That, do you know him?"  Olivia snapped her fingers happy he helped but also worried of what her brother would do.

"Sure do and he's going to pay." Jordan nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Liv sighed.

"Oh nothing... just teach him a lesson." He didn't need her worrying about it.

"I would say it's cute that you are defending her honor but you don't need any injuries."

She had a point. However, he was going to allow Dane to think he could take advantage of Simone or blow her off. It got under his skin a little too much. Liv suggested that instead , he be open about his feelings and go downstairs and tell her.

"What if she doesn't believe me? I don't want her thinking I am just like him...." Jordan was already having a breakdown.

"She knows you aren't. You  maybe terrible at feelings but she knows your heart."

"... who are you and what have you done with my twin?"

Liv hugged him wishing him good luck . She was being hopeful that this worked out and pushed him out. Their parents were on a date so they had the house to themselves. Jordan hit the last step feeling like he had a lion stomping all over his stomach. He watched her from the step unsure of what to say.

"Hey... how are you?" Jordan sat the island.

"Hi, I'm alright. How are you?" Simone asked  pouring the two bags of movie theatre popcorn in the bowl.

"I-I'm good. Thanks for asking."

He watched her move around his kitchen in search of something. He knew that they liked salted butter so she was probably in search of cups that were in the top cabinet. Jordan went around the island to the exact spot opening the cabinet to hand one over.

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