Forever Young - Part 2

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"About time you showed up." Olivia scolded her friend.

"Traffic was terrible, what I miss?" Simone slipped the vip lanyard over her neck.

"He has been looking for you. I've been getting second hand embarrassment."  She yelled.

"Aw. wait, why?"

"Look who is standing next to my dad."

Simone peeked seeing Layla and really thought nothing of it. She was here for Spencer and Jordan. Layla being here wasn't an issue. She didn't care that she wanted to support.

"She was waving at him and all he kept mouthing to me was is she here and well, he wasn't talking about our mother." Liv snickered,

"That's her fault for not reading the room." She shrugged going back to focusing on the game.

It was her first GAU game and she was nervous. She didn't get to attend many of his high school games. She watched Spencer get his attention and pointed in their direction. Jordan pointed and winked.

"I don't think that was for you Layla." Billy said aloud.

"Then who was it for?"

"Say nothing else dad." Liv leaned on Simone to keep from laughing too loudly.

Simone tucked in her lip not wanting to say a word, it wasn't her business. She could tell they were down and she hoped they could pull it together. She felt Liv squeezed her hand as Spencer threw a pass to Jordan.  She felt her throat get caught seeing him run.

"I can't look!" Simone leaned against Olivia.

"Girl, look!" Liv forced.

The game was so close and seeing Jordan score was a moment. Simone and Liv screamed and hugged each other. Billy was sure he busted an ear drum. The score ended with their team taking the win and Simone followed Liv out to the field well Liv ran.

Simone watched Layla attempt to congratulate Jordan and hug him. She coached herself so she wouldn't laugh as he ran to her catching her off guard. Her legs wrapped around him taking in his wide grin. She cupped his face muttering how proud she was in between kisses.

"Congratulations baby."

She only knew what was happening from the many game tapes and Liv's breakdown. She wasn't about to be an athlete that didn't even know her own man's sport.

"Thank you sweetheart. I felt your energy."

"Oh did you?" She caressed his face pressing her forehead against his.

"Mhm, I thought you weren't going to make it." A pout formed on his face as he carried her through the crowd securing her.

"I wasn't going to miss my baby shine." She ran her fingers through his hair.

"You got comfortable quick." He laughed excusing himself as he walked past knowing people were staring and trying to get media coverage.

He sat her down at the entrance of the vip waiting area. He kissed her softly , slowly letting it deepen. Jordan pulled away biting his lip.

"I should..." he pointed behind him.

"Shower?" She rose her brows.

"I stink huh?"

"Yes, ew! Go take a shower Jordan." Liv rounded the corner pushing her brother.

"What happened to congratulations? Good job? Proud of you.. what happened to that Olivia?" Jordan held a hand to his chest.

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