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Simone stood at her locker watching Jordan socialize with the rest of his team. She had a crush on him since they were children but she had never acted on it. The only person that knew was Olivia because she accidentally read her diary when they were eleven. She thought by now that the crush would fade. Except the more they got older, the deeper it got and the more attractive Jordan continued to be.

His sex life was a different story - he never kept a girlfriend. He was often with girls that looked like his mother then for half a year, he was with Layla Keating. The resident good girl until she went to rehab anyway. Simone felt someone bump her shoulder as she looked seeing Olivia Baker linking her arm with hers. They had been best friends since the second grade.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" She wondered.

Liv didn't know how she kept this a secret for so many years but Simone was her best friend. Jordan was cradle to the grave but Simone and Spencer were also her day ones. They were a foursome even if Jordan was an idiot.

"Nope." Simone turned dial on her locker to unlock it.

"You really been standing here staring with a closed locker?" Liv mused her friend.

"Keep your voice down loud mouth, I was not staring." Simone lied through her teeth

"Jordan!" Olivia yelled across the hall for her annoying brother.

Jordan turned giving her a one minute finger as he finished up his conversation. Liv could feel Simone detach herself and hide in her locker. His cologne being a little too strong hit her nostrils letting her know he reached them. She thanked god she was focused on gathering her books until she felt a hand on her hip.

Don't look down, don't look down.

"I said Good Morning Simone." He repeated.

She knew it wasn't Olivia based on the hand size and she caught a glimpse of his championship ring. Simone was going to kill Olivia. She didn't even notice her disappearing act.

"Mornin'..." she squeaked throwing her books in her bag.

Gently, he took her bag sliding it over his shoulder. Jordan stared at her through the mirror in her locker. He took her in silently every day. He never overstepped and he never made his intentions known. Jordan was positive that Simone didn't see him in the romantic light , he did anything to conceal his feelings and that meant messing with anything with legs to hide the fear of rejection. Layla was probably his longest high school relationship.

She broke it off with him and he hadn't heard from her since. Simone quietly closed her locker trying to get her bag back but Jordan pulled away offering his arm instead. Did he know her entire schedule? Maybe. However, they were friends so it wasn't like it wasn't going to be common knowledge.

"When is your next tournament?" He asked.

"Um, Thursday at 4."

How did the captain of the tennis team and the QB1 not end up together - nobody would know. Spencer had been trying to push Jordan to go after Simone for months. Simone was special to him - a wonderful friend but he didn't want the friends to lovers trope to be a bust.

"Great, I'll be there." He responded giving her hug once they reached her classroom. He handed over her bag making sure she had it and promised to see her later.

Later that evening, the four were under the bright lights of the football stadium. They had access whenever they needed to practice. Jordan sat in between his sister and Simone as Spencer went on about his shift earlier. How he needed more money because he wanted to actually save for a reliable car.

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