Brown Eyes - Part 3

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"Queen of the court!!!! Where are you?!" Spencer yelled bursting in the Hicks- Baker household.

He needed to escape Olivia before she drove him insane. One minute she was happy and the next she was in tears. It was a strange adjustment but not one the man was used too. Jordan understood but Spencer needed Simone's thoughts on it more.

Olivia and Spencer were never going to have as many children. Spencer really didn't know how Simone managed but he applauded them. He loved being Uncle Spencer and he knew his in law would do the same for their kid. He was about to call out again when he seen Simone waddle in.

"What do you want, Spencer Alonzo James!"

"Ooooh, full government. Should I come back?" He whispered to Jordan who simply tossed stuffed a scone in his mouth instead of answering.

Jordan tried to warn his brother. Pregnancy hormones were just part of the process. One day Simone was elated to see him and the next he was dodging heels being thrown his way. He rolled with the punches but no, Spencer wanted Simone's take so he was getting her mood swings too.

"Well... um..." Spencer looked back at Jordan for some help.

"Oh hell no, choose your words wisely. This is not call a friend." Jordan twisted the cup off his orange juice.

"I thought you had my back , J?" Spencer sighed.

"I just got back in her good graces and our bed is very comfortable. You are on your own." He held up his hands in defeat.

Spencer watched Jordan kiss Simone and made a face. He thought he was bad with Olivia. Jordan might as well sow his skin to Simone's.

"I come in peace my Queen but good luck Spence. You thought Liv was bad, she's - "

"Jordan." Simone looked at him waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"She's god favorite. Yup, right.. I'm going. Love you so much." Jordan looked between the two and ran away.

Simone shook her head getting a water from the fridge passing one to Spencer. It was easy to get lost in their home. Spencer helped her to the couch taking a seat next to her. He didn't know where to start, sure he could call his mom but he didn't want to be on the phone forever.

"Is this about Liv?" she questioned sensing his energy.

"Uh, yeah. Am I that predictable?" Spencer smiled softly, nodding.

"You'll get used to it. With Shay, I ate everything in sight, Aaliyah, it was constant motion sickness. Noah gave me the worst acne of my fucking life and heartburn. Ava was probably the most chill."

"That's why she's the favorite." Spencer humored.

"Every pregnancy is different. She might love it , she might hate it but you'll survive."

"And how is this one treating one?" He checked.

"I don't think you want to know. It's safer that you didn't." She warned tapping his shoulder.

"Nah, tell me."

"Why can't you just take warnings for what they are? We... have a lot of sex." She shrugged seeing his disgust.

"Suddenly I am flashed back to Vegas and how disgusting y'all were." He made a face.

"I know you aren't talking! Y'all were practically fucking in the middle of the dance floor at Bringston when we first went."

"Simone, let's not lie. You suppose to be god's favorite according to Jordan."

"Shut up. Enjoy this time Spence. It'll be over before you know it. It might not seem like nine months goes fast but it does. What are you hoping for?"

"Definitely not twins. I thought y'all would have them by now." Spencer nudged her arm.

"Please don't jink me." She fell back into the couch. She was all stomach now which was hilarious.

"Nah, we don't want to know. She wants it to be a surprise during labor. We have names picked out though. Thanks for the pep talk." Spencer kissed her cheek.

"Anytime now please entertain my husband and leave me alone to eat his food in peace."

"You got it! I won't tell." He went to find Jordan who was playing foozeball in the playroom with Noah.

"Hey Uncle Spence!"

"Hey baby girl, how was your last game?"

"We lost but I scored the most.." she shrugged.

"Oh thank god you have a better loser mentality than yo knuckle headed daddy." Spencer held a hand to his heart making Jordan throw a football only for Spencer to catch it with ease.

"Simoneeeee, Jordan is throwing footballs in your house." Spencer snitched.

"Take that shit outside. Y'all grown." She yelled back.

"Give me my spare key back." Jordan playfully grabbed him into a headlock.

Soon he switched places with Spencer letting him play after Noah decided to challenge him. She definitely had a competitive streak. Jordan wouldn't be him if he didn't encourage Noah to kick his butt. Spencer wasn't going to lose to a kid so it was an interesting match that Shay got tagged in when Spencer got bored.

"Welcome to fatherhood bro."

"The more y'all mention it, the more it makes it real." Spencer looked at the painting on the ceiling.

"You'll catch up to us in no time."

"Absolutely not." Hell would have to freeze over.

"Fine, y'all are the ones having the twins." Jordan smiled.

"Please know that I hate you." Spencer blinked.

"I love you too Spencer." Jordan sassed the man.

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