This I promise You [TW]

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TW: mention of attempted s. assault. Grab some tissues but please read at your own risk.

The Golden Angles was in Atlanta for a game. The last place Jordan expected to be a year into his breakup with Simone. Being back here just flooded his head with memories. The good , the bad and how much he tried to fight for them to stay together. He couldn't believe he lost his soulmate over something so stupid. He didn't think the way he had been there for Layla would be so damaging that his relationship with Simone would come crashing down.

Being in Atlanta overall made Jordan uneasy. Spencer did his best to cheer him up but he knew that Jordan took the breakup hard. He reverted back to his old ways - sleeping with anything with legs to mask the pain. If he had a girlfriend , it didn't last long. Spencer hated being stuck in the middle just as much as Liv.

They had a super early practice and didn't get out until a little bit after noon. The team decided to explore Atlanta and almost everything Jordan thought of to eat or do came from recommendation of his ex and her friends. He sighed picking at his plate, not really hungry. Usually , Jordan would've devoured the plate in front of him.

"Yo J, you good?" Spencer gripped on Jordan's shoulder pulling him out his thoughts.

He simply nodded barely immersing himself in whatever conversation his mates were having. He was lost in his own world and that meant wondering what Simone was doing. He still caught the matches on TV or attempted to ask Olivia how she was. Jordan felt like this pain would never go away.


"I'll be there shortly Nate. I am just getting our food." Simone held the phone against her ear as she walked out of the restaurant.

She was taking the weekend off to enjoy the company of her friends. They had been a great distraction from her breakup. She still wasn't fully recovered but she had enough on her plate. She stopped talking with Damon once he got with Thea but she couldn't avoid Thea altogether. In fact, Simone thought the girl was innocent in all this. Damon couldn't have Simone so he found his perfect match in Thea. Simone only cared about Thea's happiness.

Thea deserved to explore love and being loved no matter if it might be painful. Being with Jordan was the best thing that ever happened to Simone and it was the worst thing she done to herself in the end. She shook off the sadness ending her call with Nate. She decided instead of driving to just walk. It was a good way for her to clear her head.

Slipping on her pods, she smiled at the aroma hitting her nostrils. Her stomach growled being that she had skipped breakfast and didn't eat anything last night either. She wasn't paying attention when she felt a hand cover her mouth and pick her up making her drop the bag of food. Simone struggled kicking, noticing she was being pulled in a back area.

"GET OFF ME MOTHER FUCKER!" She screamed in his face. His body pressed against hers pining her against the hot brick wall of the building. Simone continued to struggle, moving her face to keep the man from kissing her. She felt her eyes widened at the grip on her neck and his hands reaching for the top button of her shorts.

Simone found a way grip his arm digging her nails hard into him causing him to bleed. He pulled away cursing and yelling that she was in trouble. Simone tried to run only to be thrown to the ground as she screamed again at the top of her lungs hoping somebody would hear her and not turn a blind eye.

"DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!" she screamed again, crawling backwards.


Jordan heard a scream that sounded like bloody murder. Something about it sounded familiar but maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him. He heard it again and this time it struck a nerve.

"Spence, did you hear that?" He asked already pulling away from the table.

"Hear what, J?"

This time they both heard another scream and the screaming words to follow made Jordan's stomach drop. It felt close , it was personal.

"That sounds like .." Spencer didn't want to be right. He prayed he wasn't right.

He simply ran after Jordan who was already running down the street stopping for noise. Spencer yelled for two other team mates to follow and somebody else to call the police. Jordan followed the sounds running past people barely bothering to usher an "excuse me" and her voice got louder. He rounded the corner seeing red and his worst fear coming to life. "Get off of my wife!" he tackled the 6'6 man to the pavement. His fist collided with the man's face over and over.

Spencer pulled Simone to him knowing he should grab Jordan before he killed this man. His first concern was Simone and calming her down. He could see she was going into a panic attack. Her hands were shaking and her heart was beating rapidly.

"Hey hey, Simone. Simone, breathe. Deeps breathes." Spencer coached her demonstrating.

Simone nodded through tears following his direction. She watched the rest of the team pull Jordan off the stranger just as police and ambulance pulled. Jordan eyes darted until they landed on Simone. He walked to her feeling her collapse into his arms. "I got you. I'm here."

He rubbed her back as another ambulance arrived at the scene. Jordan got in the ambulance with Simone. His heart still felt like it was beating out of his chest but he couldn't recall much.


Simone couldnt piece together her words if she tried. She didn't feel safe but she felt like she had to bottle up her emotions. Jordan offered her his bed back at the hotel after she was cleared to go home. He followed closely behind her watching her drop her duffle on the floor and remove her shoes.

"I'm fine. You didn't have to do this. You should go out with your team."

Her words and body language spoke volumes. She knew if she looked at the man she still loved, her soul would break even more into an million pieces. The silence could cut with a knife. All Jordan imagined was how much he wanted the person who hurt her to be dead.

"Sweetheart, I would do it again. I would do anything to keep you safe. You are not fine, Simone. You will be in time but its ok to go through the emotions. I don't like seeing it but I am here for you. That part will never change. I am not leaving you here by yourself."

His words were comforting but Simone had a staring contest with the wall.

Jordan shifted his weight slipping off his shoes. He knew she was going through an array of emotions. He watched her pace for a moment and his heart broke seeing a new set of tears roll down her cheeks. He could feel the lump in the back of his throat and his own eyes begin to well up.

"Um.... I-I am not sure what I did to deserve your kindness but thank you for saving me. I thought my screaming was for nothing." She wiped her face with the sleeve of his hoodie that he handed over with no questions asked earlier.

"You don't have to thank me..." Jordan waved her off.

He found himself guiding her to the bed to sit next to him.

"I will move heaven and earth for you, Simone Hicks. I will always protect you. I don't think I am capable of letting you go. I know this might be wrong and stupid to say right now but I don't care. I still love you. That feeling... it doesn't go away. I will always love you and defend you. No matter how many times you push me away and be stubborn with me. You can't get rid of me that easy. I still want us to be in each other lives." Jordan pressed his forehead against hers.

He wiped her tears with his thumb and rubbed his fingers across her knuckles. Simone took in his words unable to even think of what to say. She didn't want to say the wrong thing. Quietly asking if they could lay down, Jordan accepted watching her move to the other side. He removed her socks along with his own and laid next to her. He felt her reach back tugging on his arm to wrap around her.

"Jordan?" Her hand rest on top of his naturally.


"I missed you and I still love you too."

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