You and Me

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Ahhh! Chapter 30. 30 one shots... Whew! Thank you so much for all the reads and comments. I never expected to get to 30 one shots of Jimone. I appreciate y'all so much. I hope you enjoy this one.


Simone shot up, wiping the slob from her face. She rubbed her eyes yawning. Her eyes adjusted to the brightness of her boyfriend's room. She had wet her history book seeing Jordan return with two bottles of Gatorade. He sat them on his night stand laying back at the head of his bed seeing Simone at the end already dozing back into sleep. She had already fell asleep on him twice and it was only going on 8.

"Simone!" He whispered shouted seeing her eyes shoot open making him smirk at the action.


"Come lay with me at least sleepyhead." He motioned opening his arms.

Simone closed her book resting it on his floor. For a teenage boy, he was surprisingly the most clean one she had known besides Spencer. It was almost like he didn't even do anything in it. She folded his blanket and crawled up to head getting underneath his duvet and into his arms. She snuggled against him feeling his kiss on her head.

"You okay?" He wondered aloud.

"It's just been a long day." She responded. Simone  threw her leg over his. His hairy legs always tickled hers but she didn't mind.

After another moment passed, Jordan could tell she fell asleep on him nuzzled into his neck. He reached for his phone taking a photo without the flash sending it to his Instagram feed.

JordanBaker: my sleeping beauty - 1 , studying - 0.

Simone stirred moving against him only to wake herself up. Jordan had already went through his Netflix queue finding something to entertain himself with since Simone's sleepiness was the clear winner. She eventually woke herself up again excusing herself taking her small clutch with her.

She made the trek to the bathroom closing the door feeling like her stomach was dropping. She was trying not to overthink possibilities but she couldn't help it. . Knocking softly on Olivia's open door, Liv was at her computer and turned removing her headphones waving at her friend .

"Am I interrupting?" She whispered.

"No. I just finished. Come in, surprised you escaped." Olivia confirmed with a grin on her face.

"Not the best company right now." She admitted. She  rubbed her arm closing the door softly  behind her.

Simone didn't know where to begin. Olivia could see the change of mood written all over her friend and offered her bed taking a seat next to her. Liv grabbed her hand and lifted her friend's chin.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me."  Liv encouraged squeezing her hand in reassurance.

"Ummm...well, I haven't gotten my period Olivia." She tracked it and understood sometimes it can be late.

"It happens. When was your last cycle?"

"Gosh, I think two months. I always mark it in my calendar so I am prepared. Um , do you mind guarding your brother's door?" She asked nervously.

She  pulled the test from her clutch. It was crazy to think of it as a possibility but she knew it could be one of the things stopping her cycle.
Olivia nodded, going to lock her bedroom door following Simone into the bathroom. She  locked both of their sides just in case. He hadn't come banging on the door yet.

Simone was anxious so it took a minute. She washed her hands and Liv used her watch to set a timer. She watched Simone pace her side of the bathroom as she kept focus on the countdown on her wrist. The timer sounded as Liv looked at the pink and white stick. She knew Simone may not want to look. She also knew her parents - her mother barely liked Simone. Laura thought  the relationship between her son and her was rushed when it wasn't. 

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