Santa Baby - Part 2

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The smell of pancakes and eggs woke Jordan out of his sleep. He rolled over feeling the bed seeing the empty spot next to him. Was it a dream? He was positive that they ended up crashing after their love making. He checked his phone and nothing. He took a shower and jogged downstairs to see who the hell was in his kitchen.

He stopped hearing Simone sing let it snow - loudly as she flipped a pancake over. He peeked just a little noticing the oversized t shirt adorning her frame. He knew what he needed to do and it felt like the right thing to do.  He disappeared back upstairs and dialed Layla's number.

"Lose my number." She picked up.

"Can you least let me explain?" Jordan tried.

"This is nothing to explain. I know you still love her and that's okay. It wasn't meant to be anything more than a hook up."

"Layla, come on..."

"Jordan, it's okay. I had time to think about it. Did it hurt seeing it, sure but it was bound to happen." Layla whispered, her voice already shaking.

"I'm sorry..."

"Look, you were just another guy to my black book. Bye Jordan." Layla hung up the phone.

Somehow, Jordan felt lighter. He jogged backstairs nearly falling into the kitchen.

"Jesus, Jordan. Where the hell did you come from." Simone jumped , clutching her chest.

"Nevermind that." He didn't know what to say about last night.

"Sooo.. how many pancakes?" Simone was going to act like nothing happened either.

"Um... four with blueberries in them please, extra crispy. Did you need help?"

"Uh sure, Spencer and JJ went to a yoga session and Asher is with Jaymee so it's just..."

"You and I. I get you all to myself?" He bear hugged her planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"Aren't you in a relationship?"  Simone knew they crossed the line but she would never be the one to purposely ruin Jordan's happiness.

"With you, yes."

"How are you going to tell me and not ask me?" She stared up at him.

"Because even to my dying last breath, I only see myself with you." He spoke in between kisses trailing from her cheek to her neck.

He kept his face buried there. Maybe was being too clingy but he felt like if he let go then this would all seem like a dream sequence. It sucked he couldn't wake up to her every day.  He wanted to do nothing but spend the entire day with her.

"So just like that?"

"Does it have to be complicated? I mean I know you'll be leaving and we might be back at square one but I want to make it work."

"It is complicated. We broke up, Jordan."

"I consider it more of a one sided break." He commented.

"Look, I know it's my fault but maybe space apart is good."

"To who? I am not accepting that answer Simone. Why are you giving up?"

"Do you really think you can go through four years of college being in a relationship that is long distance?" She turned down the heat.

"Babe, you wouldn't let me move with you."

"Jordan, you have your whole life here! Your life is here in California."  She breathed.

"And what about your life, Simone? Your whole life is here too."

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