Sweater Weather

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Requested by Janelle / a one shot of Jordan taking care of Simone when she's sick. Enjoy y'all and thanks for over 3k reads 🫶🏾


Fall was a busy time for Jordan and today was no different. Between homework , tests , practice and games , the quarterback was juggling many hats including making sure he spent amble amount of time with Simone. He checked the watch on his wrist seeing that it was past the time he would least see her in the hall at her locker after first period.

In a distance , the boy spotted his twin knowing the pair had first period together made things easier. Pushing off the locker when he noticed the student who owned it was trying to get in it, he sheepishly apologized and flagged down Olivia.

"Liv, Have you seen Simone?"

"No, why?" Olivia stated walking to her locker to exchange her books.

"We have a routine and she's never late."

"Maybe she had an appointment before school." She suggested.

"My text message still says delivered. That was at 5:30 this morning." He mentioned as if it was a normal occurrence.

"I too would ignore you at the crack of ass. Who the hell texts that early?" Olivia knitted her brows together confused. She didn't even text Spencer that early.

"Not the point. Should I go to the main office and see if her mom called her out?" Jordan searched the sea of Beverly Hills High students to see if he spotted her lost in the crowd of them.

"That's private information and I am more than positive they won't share it willingly." He hated when his twin was right.

"What if I get dad to do it on my behalf?" He added.

"Yeah... that's still a no. I am sure she'll get back to you." Liv knew he loved Simone to death but she also knew Simone - she wasn't going to flat out ask for help.

Jordan checked his watch again and his phone still getting nothing. He groaned at the passing period bell ignoring Olivia scolding him for making her late. Lunch time rolled around and instead of sticking around, he ditched. He stopped by the grocery store picking out a variety of things. Pulling into the driveway of his girlfriend's house, he collected the three bags and ran her doorbell.

"I can see you! Open the door miss thing." He waved through the window.

Simone sighed feeling and knowing she looked like a hot mess. Her head was throbbing and her temperature was through the roof when she woke up for the gym this morning. It took a lot of convincing for her to prove to Tina Hicks that she was in no way in shape to sit through a full day of classes and even more that she needed to stay home.

"What are you doing here?" She said through half open lids. Part of her was happy but she didn't need him catching whatever she had.

"Checking up on my baby, duh." He was stopped when he tried to kiss her.

"No, I don't need you getting sick too." Simone scooted back to keep her distance.

"I take an immunity shot every other day babe, I'll take your germs before anyone else's." He felt her forehead.

"Stoooop, your hand is cold." She whined, swatting his hand away.

"That's because you're running a fever babe. I'm sorry. Have you taken anything?"

"You aren't leaving are you?" Simone frowned.

Jordan smirked moving past her with the bags taking notice of his oversized sweatshirt adorning her petite frame. Least he could admit that he never noticed it went missing. He could tell she was miserable and cranky probably due to the lack of sleep from getting sick overnight. He sat the bags on the counter going through them. Quite frankly, he wasn't sure what the problem could be so he grabbed everything that kind of seemed logical.

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