His straight crush

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A cute but handsome boy is waiting outside of his University with his best friend.

"Hey Kook how long are u gonna w8 for him? Let's go inside"
Kook's best friend said.

"No Jimina, I can't go until I see him...." Kook replied.

"Yah first call me hyung, I am elder than u, and why do u w8 for him every day? He doesn't even look at u!"
Jimin said.

"I don't care, I just have to see him, or else my day is gonna be bad...."
Kook said and Jimin gave him 'are u for real!' look.

"Hey babe, why are outside, let's go inside"
?? said.

"I wanna go Suga hyung, but this brat isn't going and I can't go without him."
Jimin said pointing at Kook.

"Hey Kook are u waiting for him?"
Suga asked.

"Yes hyung"

"Oh okay then, I'm going in"

"Ok hyung"
Suga sighed a little.
After awhile ?? came, Kook went to him happily.

"Why are u so late Taetae?"

"God! My name is Taehyung Jungkook, stop calling me with these weird names!"
Tae said, a bit annoyed.

"But I like to call u Taetae"
He gave a peck on Tae's cheek like his daily routine.

"Hey, who gave u permission! Stay away from me! You gay!"
Tae said angrily and left towards University. Kook became sad, he had crush on Taehyung from past one year, but Tae never accepted, he always said that he was straight, and he would never like a gay, but Kook kept trying, all their friends knew about this, they tried to make Tae understand but.... no use. Jimin pat Kook's shoulder and said to go inside. Kook left with him.

In canteen;
"Kook I think u should move on, u are trying on him from a year, but he never talked to u properly...."
Jin said worried about his little friend.

"But hyung, I really like him, I can't move on even if I try...."
Kook said making all his friends sigh.

That day another boy proposed to Kook, Kook refused him. But the proposal was infront of Tae, Tae's expression changed when the boy knelt down to propose Kook, anyone could say that he seemed angry and Jimin noticed that how Tae left the place being angry after the proposal. He went behind him and dragged him to a room,

"What u want now Jimina!"
Tae asked a bit loudly.

"I want u to understand ur feelings, feelings for Kook...."

"What feelings! I don't have any feelings for him!"

"Oh really! Then why were u angry when that boy proposed him?"

"Who said I was angry! I was just annoyed by their shitty works"

"How can u say like this! Now I feel bad to even call u my cousin! Tae why can't u understand? U like Kook, listen to ur heart..."

"There's nothing like this Jimina, he's just a friend, nothing more, I have told him many times to stop all these and move on, but he hasn't not listened, what can I do! He always annoy me with his pecks, with his talks, tell him to stop all these, this will be good for both of us...., I'm straight and I will not be a gay for him"
Taehyung said not looking at Jimin while rubbing his cheek.

"You really not gonna listen Tae, putting ur ego first! I hope u don't regret this...."
Jimin left saying these last words.

But none of them knew that someone was listening all these, he was none other than Kook, he was sad, too sad to listen to Tae's words, he wanted to cry when he heard that Tae felt his love annoying. He left from there and went straight home crying hard.

"U really want me to stop loving u! Then I'll Taetae, I'll not disturb u again...."


I'm sad for Kookie, sorry Kookie for making u cry, but dw, everything will be fine, ur love is pure, and someone's ego can't win against pure love.

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