The Promise (2nd version) pt.1

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A six years old boy, with most cute bunny like features called for a elder boy while they both were in a park.

"Yes Koo Koo?"
The two years elder replied starring at the doe eyes of his cute little baby bun Koo.

"What is marriage Hyungi?"

"Mm.... marriage? Appa told me that when two people who love eachother, take vows at church to take care of eachother forever.. that's called marriage"

"Oh....then will we marry too hyungi?"

"If you want we will Koo Koo"

"Yea! Hyungi will marry Koo! Koo loves Hyungi the most!"

"Yes Koo...hyungi loves his Koo the most too"


"Why are you g-going Hyungi?"
Asked the eleven years old while clutching onto his hyungi's hands.

"I'm sorry Koo, but I have to go's kinda our ritual, dad also completed his studies at foreign, now it's my time...."

"But you are leaving m-me..."

"I'm sorry Koo, but I'll come back"

"You said you will marry Kookie?"

"I will, I promise bun... I'll come back to you"

"You pr-promise? Really?"

"Yes, I promise to marry Kookie and take care of him forever after I come back"

The younger hugged the elder tightly while tears drops left from his doe eyes, the elder hugged back equally, taking his bun's scent.


"It's been so many years Hyungi, ten years since I last saw are you doing there?"
A beautiful young male muttered those words while starring at the moon. He was remembering the one person who promised to him years ago to be back to him after his studies and marry him like a prince. With years, they stopped talking and all, but the promise never left the young boy's head. He trusted the elder, he knew that his Hyungi will come one day and take him with him.

"You know hyungi? Today another boy proposed me, but I rejected saying I'm taken...I did good right?"
He smiled in a silly way.

"Kookie, come dinner is ready"
He heard his Jinie hyung calling so said a bye to the moon and walked downstairs.

Other hand, someone else was also staring at the moon from his balcony. The city was busy but the sky looked so calming. The boy looked too handsome under the moonlight with his black orbs staring at the moon.

"Ten years....ten years since I last saw him...
I don't know if you're waiting for me or not Koo, but I'll go back soon to keep my promise... yes only if you're not taken by anyone else and you're waiting...for your Hyungi"
He sighed stating with his ocean deep voice.


"Hey old man"

"Hel- you brat! What?"

"Open the door"

"How'd I open your door?"

"Not mine, your dad"
Soon the front door opened revealing a man in his mind fifties whose eyes went wide seeing the person standing at the door.

"Hi dad"
The person said in a playful tone.

"You- you didn't tell me you were coming! Brat!"
He hugged the boy who smiled and hugged back the elder.

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