Misunderstandings pt.2

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A/n: There will be other ships' mature contents and words related mpreg

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After marriage and all the other rituals, now two parent couples and the new marrieds are on their on to home. Both Kim and Min family had gifted a new house to the young couple, and they couldn't hold their excitement to reach there and have a gorgeous night.

Parents have all reached to and youngers were few minutes apart from their destiny.

With Namjin,

Namjoon and Jin walked into their room after a long day, but it was all worthy as it was none other than their son and son-in-law's marriage.

"Finally home"
Jin exclaimed taking off his coat and Namjoon chuckled.

"Let's take a bath"

"You go, I'll go afterwards"

"Can't we go together?"
Namjoon asked and Jin stared at his eyes for few seconds before nodding.

Namjoon walked in first soon Jin joined him. They stripped off there clothes as Namjoon turned the shower on. Slightly warm water falling on the couple's figures making them let out a sigh of relief after the long day.

Jin stood ahead facing the wall and closing his eyes and softly roaming his hand on his features. Namjoon stood behind him with a gap between them while he checking out the male.

No matter how old they grew, how much they bickered, their love and desires for eachother was eternal. Maybe that is why they faced embarrassment infront of their adult kid often after their long nights.

Namjoon walked closer to the other now pressing their bodies together and wrapping his hands around the other's waist. He put his chin on the elder's nape and pressed his nose against his now wet hair.


"I love you.."
Jin let out a small gasp at his sudden confession and felt soft lips being pressed against his exposed neck. Jin slowly turned around and put his hands on the younger's shoulder.

"Why are so beautiful?"
Namjoon whispered making Jin smile fondly.

"Because I'm Kim Namjoon's husband and worldwide handsome?"
Namjoon smiled at his cute husband's self admiration. He then caressed the other's back slowly taking his hands down and placing on his hips.

"Can we...?"
Jin slightly blushed knowing what the other was talking about and nodded after a few seconds. He first went ahead and caught the younger's lips between his. No that wasn't like young teenagers hot make out, rather it was soft tasting of eachother.

By now Namjoon was playing with the flesh of the other's butt and spreading them. It didn't take him time to take his fingers near the other's hole making him gasp in the kiss.

He entered two fingers slowly taking them in and out using the shower water as lubricant. Soft moans were already leaving the elder's lips after they broke the kiss. Namjoon continued his work on the latter's lower part while sucking on his neck which was covered in faded hickeys.

Jin called for him in a lewd voice turning him on more.

"Turn around Honey"
Namjoon said after taking his fingers out and caressing his cheeks who did what he was told taking a grip on the near wall.

Namjoon slightly bent him down and stroked his now hard cock few times spreading the pre-cum all over.

"Should I go ahead?"

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