Kim Dick

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A male with elegant glasses was seen sitting infront of a computer while he read some documents. The place was really very calm and the clock showed 8:45 am.

But the calmness was disturbed as someone knocked on the door,

"Come in"

"Good morning Yoongi hyung"
Another male walked in wearing white shirt tucked into black pants.

"Morning Kook.. early today?"

"Jin hyung ate my ears because I accidentally dirtied his one mirror.. so I just left early"
Yoongi nodded giving a small smile.

"I'll just go have some coffee then get to work"
Yoongi nodded and the other left the room.

"Oh Jungkookie! Morning"
Jungkook was met with Jimin. He greeted back.

"Pretty early huh?"

"Thanks to Jin hyung"
Jimin chuckled.

"You had breakfast or not?"

"I did hyung.. go greet your cat"
Jimin blushed just a bit and smacked his arm.

"You also wait.. your pain in ass will soon be here"

"Don't remind me now"
He rolled his eyes. Jimin shook his head and walked into the cabin.

Jungkook walked towards his working place and put down his bag before he went to grab some coffee. He hummed making it. While the cup filled, he checked his phone. Taking the cup he smelled the good scent once before blowing on it.

"Mm hm? Good morning sight- a pretty blowing.."
Jungkook already knew who it was.

"You could blow on something else though"
A hand lightly placed on his small waist from behind as the other whispered to him. Jungkook almost chocked on his saliva but didn't let it show.

"What are you doing here?"

"Awe~ not a single good morning or anything? My dick is hurt"
He dramatically gasped.

"Here goes the dick.."
Jungkook muttered shaking his head.

"What.. are.. you.. doing here?"

"You were here, your smell just.. pulled me here like a magnet, pretty~"
Jungkook's lips curved just a little but he still didn't look towards him.

"My dick feels ignored~"
He fake pouted.

"Your and your dick's problem"

"Such a sa-ass"

"Now what's that?"

"Sassy ass"
He smirked seeing Jungkook's ear tips getting red.

"Shut up and get to work- you don't get paid for flirting here Kim"

"Well.. your blushes are more of payment than money Jeon"
Jungkook just walked away leaving a grinning Taehyung.

Both then settled down on their work places. Their seats beside eachother's. Jungkook handed Taehyung a file who without saying anything checked it.

Jungkook extended his hand to take it back.

"Like your- I mean.. You"
Jungkook fake glared and took it back. Few other employees who just came greeted them.

They started with their next publishing magazine's works. For awhile none said anything, just focused on their works and only talked about work matters. It was after Taehyung was pretty much done with the first work he started for the day.

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