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A family of three were in a car, named Kim family, driving towards their destination. The elder two people who seemed to be the parents, named Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin sat on the front seats while Namjoon drove the car. In the back sat their son Kim Taehyung in his early 20s.

They seemed pretty dressed up, almost everyone was looking outside but with different kind of emotions on their faces.

The one who sat in the back smiled often probably thinking about meeting someone close to his heart very soon. The one who drove looked normal but was often glancing over the male beside him, who didn't seem to be a good mood, like he wasn't ready to go where they were going.

Namjoon brought his hand to Seokjin's and the later looked towards him.

"You know right what we're going for?"
The other nodded glancing over at his son's face who still looked lost in his thoughts. Namjoon sighed lowly and caressed Jin's hand before focusing on road again.

After about 10 minutes they were infront of a beautiful house. They all got off one by one. If not for his parents, the youngest one would already be gone inside the house.

After parking they walked towards the door, elders walked in the front and Taehyung followed them. When they were just infront of the brown coloured gate, Namjoon rang the bell soon earning footsteps from inside.

A young boy, looking more than beautiful opened the door and flashed a bunny smile to the three people infront. He gave them a proper bow before letting them all in.

Namjoon ruffled his hair and Seokjin smiled widely at him before they both went inside leaving the two youngers.

Jungkook then turned to Taehyung who was already staring at him with a smile on his lips. He smiled back.

"Hey bun"

Taehyung walked close to him and Jungkook held his one hand.

"How is your cold now?"
The little one asked with parted lips.

"It's much better baby...I missed you"
Jungkook chuckled.

"We just met two days ago and talked whole night yesterday Tae"

"I still missed you"

"I missed you too...um, we should go inside"
He turned around to go inside holding the other's hand who pulled him back.


"My welcome kiss?"
Jungkook chuckled again asking,
"You always find a name for kisses, don't you?"

"That's my talent baby, now kiss me"
Jungkook brought his lips towards the other's pouty one and left a chasty kiss.

They both went inside to find their parents waiting for them. Jungkook went and sat beside his parents Min Yoongi and Min Jimin and Taehyung did the same sitting with his parents.

"I thought you'll need some more time"
Namjoon teased his son who rolled his eyes.

"How have you been Jimin?"
Namjoon asked while his husband stayed quiet.

"I'm good hyung"

"Hey where is my greeting?"
Yoongi interfered earning a done look from Namjoon.

"Well I don't feel the need to greet people I met just yesterday"

"Yeah yeah, whatever"

Even if everything looked normal, but everyone knew there was a tension going on which they tried to avoid.

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