Bad dream

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"I'm leaving now"
The younger male said to his boyfriend while wearing his shoes and not even glancing at him.

The other male was sitting on a couch who also didn't look at his boyfriend properly.

Getting no reply the younger sighed a little and opened the main door to go out. Soon his footsteps faded away.

Now the elder sighed and looked towards the main door which was just closed by his boyfriend who went to his cafe for work.

The elder leaned back and put his head on the hard part of the couch and looked at a photo which was hanging from the wall infront. In the photo he and his boyfriend was smiling widely while giving a cute pose, the elder smiled at that.

'Why it's getting hard to be normal again Koo!'

The elder thought and walked towards his, no, their room after having a glass of water. He had few works to do.

The situation is, Taehyung and Jungkook are boyfriends from past two years. The met first in their University. Both became friends first, then went ahead. Ofcourse there were many obstacles, but they got everything over.

But recently things are little messed up. It's been two weeks, this thing is happening.

Two weeks ago both fought on a simple matter. It was a short mistake by the younger which could be easily forgiven. But unfortunately, that day, the elder wasn't in a good mood at all. He was rather angry and irritated by some of his office works. He showed it on his boyfriend, he even yelled at him without any proper reason.

If it was other times, the younger would understand the elder, but that time he himself was pretty tired, and he thought to have a good time with the elder after returning home. But when they got into that fight, none had strength to make everything clear.

Later both could feel their faults, but they didn't know how to approach the other. So this argument kept going. Both didn't got closer even for once in the past two weeks. They were missing eachother like hell. They even slept in different rooms and talked if it's necessary only. And this thing was stabbing their hearts.


It was 7:10 when Taehyung finally closed his laptop after completing his work. He was too busy on a project in last week, so now when it's finally ended, he took two days off, but still worked from home.

He took the day offs thinking he could get a chance to get closer to his boyfriend, but little did he think it would be hard like this.

He put the laptop on the table beside the bed and slowly laid down putting his head on the pillow thinking about a certain person only. He didn't even realise when his eyes got heavy and he slept.

The main door opened and Jungkook came inside with little heavy steps. He closed the door behind making a small sound to let the other know that he is back.

After taking off his shoes, he went to the living room to find everything dark. He only saw lights on the upstairs. He thought maybe the elder was in his room from a while so he didn't even turn the lights on.

He slowly went towards the switchboard and turned on the lights.

"I'm back"
He said normally when he saw elder didn't come out of the room, probably he didn't hear the door sound.

He was about to go to the couch and sit for awhile, when he heard few footsteps and suddenly a figure landed on him and hugged him tightly.

He was taken a back by the sudden action. The grip around his waist was pretty tight. He was in a daze for awhile to react back. When the other felt no movement, he nuzzeld more in his boyfriend's neck.

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