The Promise

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A six years old boy, with most cute bunny like features called for a elder boy while they both were in a park.

"Yes Koo Koo?"
The two years elder replied starring at the doe eyes of his cute little baby bun Koo.

"What is marriage Hyungi?"

"Mm.... marriage? Appa told me that when two people who love eachother, take vows at church to take care of eachother forever.. that's called marriage"

"Oh....then will we marry too hyungi?"

"If you want we will Koo Koo"

"Yea! Hyungi will marry Koo! Koo loves Hyungi the most!"

"Yes Koo...hyungi loves his Koo the most too"


"Why are you g-going Hyungi?"
Asked the eleven years old while clutching onto his hyungi's hands.

"I'm sorry Koo, but I have to go's kinda our ritual, dad also completed his studies at foreign, now it's my time...."

"But you are leaving m-me..."

"I'm sorry Koo, but I'll come back"

"You said you will marry Kookie?"

"I will, I promise bun... I'll come back to you"

"You pr-promise? Really?"

"Yes, I promise to marry Kookie and take care of him forever after I come back"

The younger hugged the elder tightly while tears drops left from his doe eyes, the elder hugged back equally, taking his bun's scent.


"It's been so many years Hyungi, ten years since I last saw are you doing there?"
A beautiful young male muttered those words while starring at the moon. He was remembering the one person who promised to him years ago to be back to him after his studies and marry him like a prince. With years, they stopped talking and all, but the promise never left the young boy's head. He trusted the elder, he knew that his Hyungi will come one day and take him with him.

A chirping voice came from the room door. Jungkook turned to see Jimin standing there with a happy smile.

"Hyung? When did you come!"

"I just came boy"
The both sat on the bed as Jimin clinged on him, a habit of the boy.

"How was your date with Yoongi hyung?"

"Well it was going fine, but then that cat said he was sleepy, so we lastly just sat in a park while he slept"
Jimin huffed and Jungkook chuckled at his silly hyungs.

"By the way, why is Jin hyung throwing pan on Joonie hyung?"

"They are still doing that? Aish...well hyung broke a pretty vase this afternoon and Jin hyung got mad...then you know"
Jimin laughed flopping on the bed.

"And uncle aunty?"

"They will be back late at night I guess"

"You did good sending them on a vacation Kookie, I also saw uncle was stressing with work"


"Hey Kookie, when are you getting someone hm? You're enough aged now"

"You know Hyung... I'm waiting for him, I don't need anyone else"
Jimin sighed at his young brother. How can he take a early teenager's words so seriously that still after whole ten years he is waiting! They even stopped talking from a long time now, that Taehyung guy didn't try to contact him, nor they knew where actually he was, still Jungkook is waiting!

𝕋𝕒𝕖𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 |𝐓𝐊|Where stories live. Discover now