Cold husband

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A sweet boy slowly opened his eyes when sunrays hit his face and morning wind blew over his body. He looked at other side to just sigh slightly. He was alone, he knew his husband left already. He sat up, rubbed his eyes then went to washroom to do his morning routine.

He came downstairs and a smile formed on his lips. He found his husband ready for office, and having a bit problem with the tie. He went to him and said,
"Good morning Tae"

"Hmm... morning"
A cold reply came.

"U ate breakfast?"


"At least say a yes properly"
The sweet boy said a bit annoyed, though he was used to it.

"Uh yes...ok I'm leaving Jungkook"

"Hm..ok.... can't u just call me Kook or something!"
He said sadly.

But Tae had already left, Kook became sad again like every day after his marriage.

"Why can't u just love me back Tae like I do?" Kook thought with a lump in his throat.

Then he went to kitchen to make breakfast for himself, ate it and started to do house-works, he didn't have much to do as they had a maid, but he wanted to help her, so when she came, Kook joined her too.

(So Taekook have been married for 5 months, it was a arrange marriage, but Kook fell for Tae the first time he saw him. Tae is the CEO of Kim industries, he is the youngest CEO of Korea.

Tae has trust issues, he had a gf whom he loved truly, but she betrayed him, so from then Tae became kinda cold, it's not that he doesn't trust Kook, but still he is scared a bit to be broken again. He takes care of Kook but never gave him the love Kook wanted, so Kook was sad, he wanted his love to love him back, he knew abt his past, so he gave him time, but wasn't he taking too much time!)

It was evening, Kook was watching a K-drama while waiting for his husband. Around 10:00 pm someone knocked the door, Kook went to open the door for his husband.

Seeing Tae Kook gave him a tight hug and didn't get any response as usual, then he backed away and saw a tired face of Tae.

"U seem tired"
He said while coming to living room.


"Go take a shower, I'll arrange dinner"

He left to his room. Kook expected Tae to ask if he ate or not, but he left.

"Rude ass" Kook pouted then went to kitchen.

After awhile Tae came downstairs and saw Kook sitting with food. Tae came and sat as well on the opposite side.

Tae wanted to ask why Kook didn't eat, but words were stuck in his mouth, so he just started eating.

"How is it?"
Kook asked with hopeful eyes.

He said casually.

Kook just gave a soft smile then they ate their food. Tae didn't speak much, Kook only talked and asked him about his day, and he mostly answered with 'Hm', 'Yes' & 'No'.

After dinner Kook washed dishes and went to his room to find Tae already sleeping with the fluffy blanket.

He went near him, sat beside him and saw how cute Tae looked. He put his hand on Tae's hair softly and caressed there slowly.

"I can see this cute face only when u are sleeping (chuckle), but i know when u will wake up, u will become a rude ass again...., Sleep well my love, I'll always wait for u to love me back....."
He kissed Tae's forehead softly and then laid on the other side and drifted into dreamland.

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