Bottom Topping pt.2

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"We got a long night baby.. your kitten can be a tiger too"
Taehyung flipped their positions pinning both Jungkook's arms to his side.

"You loved teasing hm?"
He venomously asked near him. Jungkook shivered but was getting more excited.

"I did kitten-daddy"
Taehyung clenched his jaw.

"Mm hm? You liked topping huh? Then"
He laid down again making Jungkook confused.

"Come here baby, top daddy.. pleasure yourself"
Jungkook licked his lips sitting on top him again. Taehyung held his hips as Jungkook positioned himself slowly sitting on the hard cock. He was pulled down by Taehyung's hand on his nape. Their faces inches apart, breath fanning together.

"Don't stop before I tell you"
Taehyung husked rubbing on his nape. Jungkook nodded with hazy eyes and sat up properly before moving his hips. He threw his head back as Taehyung's length was already brushing over his prostate.

Taehyung didn't even touch him other than his cock, he was enjoying the sinful view. Jungkook was moving back and forth over his cock, then bouncing on it was such a sight for him.

"Play with your chest baby"
Jungkook complied immediately rubbing on his chest then pulling his nipples and twisting them having a good pleasure. He once tried to hold his own manhood too but Taehyung pushed his hand away making him whine with moan.

He fucked himself as long as he could, but his hips weren't helping anymore. He leaned putting both hands on Taehyung's sided. Taehyung looked up how his hair was sticking to his forehead and his sweat rolled down falling over his body.

"I didn't tell you to stop"

"C-Can't anymore"
Taehyung smirked and finally held his hips in a tight grip before giving a hard thrust upwards. Jungkook jolted at the force arching his back and next moment falling over Taehyung. Their chest touching and moving as Taehyung kept thrusting into him upwards ruining his prostate. Jungkook kept moaning shamelessly in his neck.

"Fuck.. such a great ass you g-got baby.. I can fuck you all day.."

"Y-Your c-cock is t-too big.. ah ah.. fuck ah y-yes ah.. Tae.. oh m-my god, y-you will r-ruin my h-hole..ah~"

"Y-You don't want me?"

"I-I fucking d-do oh yes.."
Taehyung gave few not so harsh smacks on his ass cheeks who whined everytime. Taehyung then told him to lay down which he did. He went between his hips and pushed in again starting to move along.

"Nghh~ s-so deep"
Taehyung didn't move his eyes from his face. Jungkook couldn't even keep opening his eyes as it was too much for him, even though they fucked lots of times before but, he could never resist Taehyung or his cock.

Taehyung then leaned to his chest licking on his nipples. Jungkook arched his back holding on his hair, pushing him more on his chest. Taehyung marked his chest for good while still moving inside.

"T-Tae.. cum"

"Go ahead baby"
He came untouched over their stomachs. Taehyung followed after few minutes filling him to the brim. Taehyung leaned to kiss him sloppily which he did back wrapping arms around his neck. They pulled away after a minute having a deep eye contact along with small smiles.

"You look so fucked up yet so beautiful baby"

"Cause I am"
Both gave a smirky smile to eachother.

"Wanna continue?"


"Let's go"
Taehyung picked him groping his ass as he was still inside. They entered the bathroom. Taehyung stared long at the bathtub decoration, his baby indeed put too much effort. He put the other down and both walked into the flower petal filled bathtub.

Taehyung leaned over sitting down having the younger between his hips who leaned over him facing him.

"You did so much baby.. I'm sorry I couldn't-"

"Shh.. don't be sorry, I know you worked a lot just to have a day off tomorrow.. you didn't sleep well last night did you?"
Taehyung pressed his lips together and Jungkook didn't need to ask twice.

He poked his bread cheeks making Taehyung smile. They kept looking at eachother, so much in love.

It was Jungkook who first started moving. Their manhoods rubbing together under the water. Taehyung held his waist as he sat properly on his lap still moving.

Jungkook then held on his one shoulder by one hand and put other hand under water. He took hold of Taehyung's cock stroking it few times before he moved his hip up slightly and positioned again. He sat down over it slowly till it entered fully. His cock and stomach now pressing against the elder's. Taehyung rubbed his back soothingly while he did all this.

"You're really eager tonight ain't you?"

"Not my fault that you didn't focus on me last few weeks, my ass missed you ofcourse"

"Horny bunny ass"

"Big cock tiger"

They laughed at the names. None moved for awhile only feeling eachother around eachother. Taehyung played with his ass muscle while Jungkook was busy leaving wet kisses over his neck and shoulder also marking him to his desire.

Jungkook moved after awhile facing him again. Taehyung kept hold on his ass helping him to move.

They moved in a mid pace, not that eager to just fuck.. they were making love. None of them broke the eye contact moaning in a low voice with heavy breaths. Jungkook noticed Taehyung was suddenly smiling without any reason.


"I was just thinking.. h-how did I get such a beauty for me"
Jungkook blushed though his face was already red due to the moment.

"Cause I-I accepted y-your proposal duh"
Taehyung squinted his eyes and smacked his ass making him whine with a gasp.

"Sassy queen"
Though next moment he himself got a pinch on his right nipple. And they didn't know when they stated fighting with water still being joint down there. They realised when Jungkook moved a bit.

"Oh we were doing something"
Taehyung chuckled.

"I'm tired Taetae"
He pouted but immediately earned a peck. Taehyung moved letting him lay his back as he hovered over him now taking the lead. The pace didn't go up though, they still moved in the same pace. It took awhile before they felt their highs.

Taehyung stroked him while moving inside slowly pacing up to catch the high. Not after long, they came making a mess along with high pitched moans.

They didn't move from eachother awhile feeling very tired. Taehyung moved though after awhile, he needed to clean them up which he did lazily, taking time. Jungkook looked really tired, so difficultly he carried him back to bed putting on a boxer.

He laid down beside him after turning the lights off. Jungkook immediately hugged his back snuggling close.

"My bum hurts.. I'll not do anything tomorrow"

"I know my queen.. you rest well, your babe is here"
Jungkook giggled at how it sounded funny to him. Taehyung smiled too slowly rubbing his back. Soon he heard soft snores and looked down to see his baby fast asleep.

"Sleep well my cute enemy baby.. I love you so much.. happy 3rd anniversary"
He pecked his forehead, his hair before closing his eyes falling into dreamland.


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