Missed You

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Please do grab holy water

*Ring ring*
"Yes baby?"

"How far?"

"Just about 10 minutes bun...why? So eager to see me?"

"Mm yes... come soon... I miss you so much~"

"What's with that sexy tone hm?"

"Just come fast.... your gift is waiting for you..."


"Hmm.. you will know~"

"Okay baby... I'm really eager to see my gift... wait for me..."
Taehyung said cutting the call and focused totally on the road. He was just so happy to go back home, more likely go back to his baby, his husband after 3 weeks of his business trip. And the moment he got the call and heard his baby's voice with that sexy tone, he knew how much his horny baby was missing him.

So he fastened the car speed but not that much to get into an accident. He also could actually guess what the gift was, and why not? After their 3 years dating and 6 months of marriage?!

After driving exactly for 10 minutes he reached his beautiful home. The watchman opened the black grill gate and let him in. He drove his car to the parking lot and stopped there.

With every second his eagerness was growing to see his baby. He messily took his bag and coat and opened the car door and ran infront of his home. His instincts told him that it wasn't locked so he pushed the door and as he thought it was open.

He called loudly when he didn't see his baby in the living room. Then he dropped his bag on the soft couch, then put the coat on the hanger.

He called again but there was no sign of his baby,

"Where is he!"
He asked to himself then his eyes went towards upstairs.

"Is he in our room!"
He again said little confused and walked to the stairs. He didn't need to turn the lights on as it was just 5:30 pm, there were still light outside even if it's not that bright.

After walking upstairs when he reached near his room, a tantalizing smell of lavender hit his nose. His steps became slow while sniffing the smell. He went just infront of the door and found it open a little too. He slowly pushed it and saw his room was lightened with beautiful lights of candles with lavender smell.

He smiled seeing his baby's arrangments. He walked little more to exactly feel his jaw drop on the floor.

There sat his baby on the bed wearing a transparent white shirt with boxers under them, hands cuffed with pink handcuffs, a bunny headband and lastly a red ribbon tied around his neck giving the exact look of the best gift for his husband. Such a hot scene in the middle of such a romantic environment was just too much for Taehyung.

Soon his jaw dropped expression changed into a smirk. He took a whole minute to admire his baby's beauty, though he could do it for the rest of his life, but right now he needed to give him attention.

He slowly walked towards the bed where his baby was sitting almost at the edge. He stared at him with his sharp eyes while the other also stared back with his doe needy eyes.

"Welcome home hubby..."
He said cutely. Taehyung smiled and slowly took his right hand towards the other's cheek. His put his index finger on his cheek and smoothly slid it under his chin and made him look straight at him.

"Is this the gift you were talking about hm?"
He asked in his oh so deep voice.

"Yes hubby... do you like it?"
With innocent eyes, but only Taehyung knew how much need and lust was behind them.

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