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"Hey Kookie!"
Jimin said while running when he saw Jungkook outside the college waiting.

"Hey hyung, why are you running, we still got time!?"
Jungkook said confused.

"Huh! But...but my watch shows it's already time for first class?"

"Uh... Oh! You forgot your fastened the time to 15 minutes yesterday so that you won't be late to meet Yoongi hyung!"

"Ohhh...I forgot! Aish, I didn't even eat properly because of this!"
Jimin said annoyed and stomped his feet making Jungkook chuckle.

"Hey guys"
Then a voice came from behind which made Jungkook smile instantly. He turned around to face his best friend, or should I say his long wanted crush!

"Hey Koo"
Taehyung said in a low voice when he came near Jungkook.

"Hey Tae..."
Jungkook said while giving him his full attention.

"Looking handsome hm..."
Jungkook complemented him and winked.

Tae blushed a little and said "You too"

"Ok ok, stop flirting and go to class"
Jimin said after watching the so called bestfriens' drama.

Both turned to him and nodded while starting to walk to class. Vmin had same class but Jungkook had different one, so he walked to other side after bidding a bye and hugging his best friend.

He saw Yugyeom on the door of his class, they smiled and eachother and went to sit together as they were seatmates.

"So! Met your lover?"

"Do you think I would come to class before meeting him?"
Jungkook replied boldly.

"Hm~ but kookie...when you gonna tell him? It's been long now..."

Jungkook sighed a little,
"I'm trying Yugy, I wanna be clear about his feelings, I wanna see if he feels anything about me..."

"Oh come on, I have seen him often staring at you ok!"
Jungkook blushed slightly.

"Um..still, let's give him some more time"
Yugyeom nodded not really convinced.

Other side;

"I really don't understand why you both call yourselves bestfriend!"
Jimin said while sitting on his seat.

"What do you mean by that, we're bestfriends"
Taehyung said, but not from his heart.

"Yea yea, I don't think bestfriends hug or kiss eachother like you do..."
He rolled his eyes and the other blushed.

Before he could say anything, the teacher came so his stopped talking and thought about what Jimin said. He then thought about Jungkook and smiled slightly, though no one noticed.


After classes ended, all were heading for canteen. Vimin were talking to eachother when a girl bumped into Taehyung, well, intentionally.

"Oh sorry..."
The girl started but then widened her eyes faking.

"Oh Taehyungi... can't believe I bumped into you.."

"Um....hello too?"
Taehyung said with uncomfort.

"Are you free? Wanna have lunch with us?"
She asked now still standing close to him.

"Sorry Hyuna, but I'm having lunch with my friends-"

"Oh come on, can't you have lunch with us? Just today?"

Someone else replied from behind. They all turned to see Jungkook standing there. Hyuna rolled her eyes on him.

"I didn't ask you"
She said.

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