Sugar Mommy

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Taehyung opened the door after the bell rang. A not so happy looking Jungkook entered in his office clothes. Taehyung was about to close the door when his nape was pulled as a sudden kiss landed on his lips. Jungkook then walked in a bit lazily and took a seat on the luxurious sofa. Taehyung blinked twice and licked his lips before closing the door.

Taehyung first went to bring Jungkook's banana milkshake and coming back he handed it to him. Jungkook took and drank while Taehyung waited for the glass. Jungkook handed him the glass after done but his mood still didn't look much better, Taehyung put it on sink and again stood at a side beside Jungkook. Jungkook looked up at him.

"Did.. you not have a good day?"
Taehyung asked slowly looking down.

"How many times I have to tell you look at me when talking?"
Taehyung licked his lips and looked at him again.

"What did you ask?"

"Did you not have a good day?"

"Not actually.. had some issues with a order"

Jungkook hummed. Taehyung still just stood there.

"Sit here"
Jungkook patted beside him and Taehyung sat down. Jungkook moved from his place and stood up just a bit only to sit down on Taehyung's lap sideways. Taehyung bit his inner cheek as his one arm wrapped around his waist like it was used to do so.

Jungkook's one arm wrapped around his shoulder, other hand's fingers played with Taehyung's chin. Taehyung looked at him like a puppy.

"Did you miss me?"
Taehyung nodded slowly.

"I did too.."
Jungkook husked to his ear making Taehyung's cheeks tint a bit. Jungkook smirked.

"Always so affected when I talk in your ear huh babe?"
Taehyung licked lips again, a habit of his when he's even a slight nervous or something.

"Answer me"

Jungkook grazed his fingers on his neck making Taehyung feel tingles. Jungkook smiled when the hand around his waist tightened a bit.

"You're so handsome.."
Taehyung blushed more.

"Y-You are s-so pretty.."
Jungkook smiled more.

"Am I?"
Taehyung hummed.

"My body pains.."

"Do you want a massage?"

"Why not? I would love a full body massage from my babe"
Jungkook looked straight into his eyes and Taehyung couldn't keep the eye contact. Jungkook smiled a bit- this boy is always getting so shy around him.

"Carry me upstairs.. I'll take a shower first"
Jungkook put both his legs over Taehyung's lap and he slowly sneaked his other arm under those legs pulling him up. Taehyung walked carrying him while Jungkook's lips teasingly played on his neck and the reaction Taehyung's ears were giving, was making him tease him more.

Taehyung had to stop once because Jungkook's lips grazing was affecting him. He focused and walked again finally dropping him near the bathroom door.

Taehyung went to closet to bring his towel and clothes and when he was coming back his saw Jungkook already half naked and was opening his pants. Taehyung looked away licking lips again. Jungkook smirked.

"Bring them? Why did you stop?"
Taehyung taking a breath came to him and Jungkook was now only in boxers. Taehyung was trying not to look at his body but he had to as Jungkook made him look at himself.

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