Unexpectedly pt.2

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A/n: As in this part it's third person's pov, so I'll just write 'T' if Taehyung is thinking something and 'J' for Jungkook.

⚠️ Assaulting contents ahead, read at your own risk ⚠️

Third person's pov

Taehyung and Jungkook were supposed to meet at nearly 12 pm as they would go to the movie hall at 1 pm, but Taehyung got a call from Jungkook saying to meet little early, ofcourse Taehyung was ok with that. He even told Taehyung that they should meet infront of Taehyung's studio, Taehyung thought why do they need to meet there, but nevertheless agreed.

So as said, Taehyung was walking towards his studio at nearly 10:30 am. The place was never too crowded, it was quite peaceful and Taehyung loved to work in peace.

From a little far he noticed Jungkook standing there. As he came closer, he noticed the boy dressed up beautifully. He wore a torn and tight jeans which showed half front of his both thighs, his upper body was covered with a button up shirt whose right side was tugged into the jeans and left side was just left fallen on his skin, he had two buttons open from where his shoulder and collerbone exposed. He had a fluffy hairstyle and slight makeup making him look prettier than any girls on earth.

What got Taehyung's attention more was that Jungkook's cheeks looked red like he was blushing and his standing position seemed little awkward, he was trying to press his thighs together often like trying to look for a friction.

Jungkook noticed how Taehyung was staring at him and that made his breath quicker.

"I-I tried to look g-good for you, h-how am I looking?"
Jungkook asked in a low and breathy voice. Taehyung walked close to him and wrapped his arms around his figure making Jungkook's knees go weak.

"You look so gorgeous Koo...."
He said near his ear and Jungkook squirmed under his touch.

"Are you okay? Your face looks so red..."
Taehyung asked after feeling his squirming.

Taehyung looked at him while he looked back. Now Taehyung could see what was happening by looking at his eyes. They were filled with lust.

"K-Koo...what happened?"

"I-It's just.... I-I'm feeling too g-good from last n-night, mostly when I-I think about y-you...., I feel like breaking n-now when you t-touch me....-"
He brought his lips to Taehyung's ear who was listening everything clearly.

"-I feel horny Tae"
He whispered near his ear and Taehyung felt a shiver run down his spine which made a reaction on his little friend down there.

Jungkook again looked at him and said,
"Tae...pl-please.... take m-me somewhere.."

T: "F-Fuck..."
Now it all made sense, why Jungkook told to meet sooner and why infront of his studio.

"D-Do you wanna go inside?"
Taehyung asked finally when he felt he couldn't deny the other's request, not after when his little friend was also calling for him. Jungkook nodded instantly.


They both were sitting on a couch of Taehyung's studio which was actually used for customer's to sit. All the window and everything were closed just both of them were in the grey dark.

Taehyung's back was laying on the back-rest as his hands were on Jungkook's hips helping him to move. Jungkook put his hands on Taehyung's shoulder while sitting on his lap facing him. They still had their lower clothes on as Jungkook was moving on his lap making friction between their rock hards.

T: "I thought we're gonna fuck, but didn't think it will be at the very start...fuck!"

"N-Now enter me p-please..."
Jungkook said putting his one hand on Taehyung's chest.

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