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This came our longer
than I expected

In a beautifully lit hall, among all the pretty purple and white decor, at the end of the aisle stood two gorgeous men holding hands.

"Now let us humbly invoke God's blessing upon the grooms, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony"

The priest blessed the two who bowed to him.

"Throw the bouquet Tae!"
Jimin, the couple's very close friend sequeled and the said guy accomplished.

Though e practically threw it on Jimin's direction itself who excitedly kissed his boyfriend shamelessly. Others chuckled at Yoongi's shocked face.

The wedded couple walked down the stage to their parents. Both their mothers having emotional eyes.

"My son is a husband now! Omo"
Taehyung's father hugged him excitedly.

"Bubba.. you look so pretty"
The younger, Jungkook's mother held his hands.

"You're saying this for the ninth time already mom"

"I know I know"
She chuckled.

"Bun.. you're really happy right?"
She whisper asked worriedly.

"Mom~ I won't have said yes if not"

"Just worried you see, your happiness is before anything in the world"
He smiled at the woman and hugged her.

Afterwards as they had changed into comfortable clothes, their parents announced the news of getting them their own separate house. They both said they didn't need to but as if the parents heard them.

"Get home safe and take rest you two, your belongings are there already"
They hugged last time before getting on the car. And soon they drove off.

A driver was driving while they sat at the back. Taehyung looked over at his bestf- oh right, his husband who was looking outside. He silently leaned his head on his shoulder knowing very well what the other might be thinking of.

Jungkook let him.

He just- couldn't still believe he was married, that also to his bestfriend. How did this day come again?

He still remember crystal clear the day his parents told him of the proposal.

"Mom- but- he's my bestfriend.. how am I supposed to-?"

"I know bun, I'm just asking you.. Taehyung's parents are asking him as well and we don't know his answer yet;

You can think all you want, it's just.. none of you are dating anyone else and you're always together,

we had always thought of collabing our companies and- call it my and his mom's childish decision but.. we wished someday you two get married unless you're in love with someone else..

You don't have to agree if you don't wanna, talk to Taehyungie? See what he says?"

And that led him and Taehyung to meet up at their secret meeting place, beside the pond.

"Did you agree?"
Jungkook threw a stone in water.

"Hm I did.. you?"
Younger didn't reply. Taehyung didn't need to ask twice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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