His straight crush pt.2

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Next day Kook went to university quite normally. He hoped not to meet Tae. He was going towards the gate, when

"Hey Kook w8..."
Jimin said running towards him.

"Good morning Jimina"

"Yea morning.... W8, aren't u gonna w8 for him today?"

"What's the use! And I have class, I have to do some rivision, I don't have time for this, let's go inside"
He left.

"What happened to him!!"
Saying this Jimin also left.

They were walking through the hallway when Tae bumped into Kook.

"Oh sorry-"
Tae said not noticing first it was Kook. Kook didn't even look at him, said,"It's ok" and left from there quickly.

Tae noticed how Kook didn't even look at him, he felt it strange. Everytime Kook saw him, he used to hug him or give him pecks, but today he didn't even glance at him and left!

Jimin also saw all these, he felt it strange as well. Then tae turned to him,
"Well, morning Jimina...."

"Hmm... morning"
He replied coldly not so interested to talk. He left from there too. Jikook had different classes.

During lunch time:
"Kook can u tell me what has happened?" Jimin asked a bit worried to see the younger silent from the morning.

"Nothing hyung"

"No, I know u, tell me....., And today u didn't even look at Tae from morning, tell me has he done anything?"

"No hyung, it's just, I think now I should really move on...."

"What! I mean really! U are trying to move on!"
Suddenly Jin said from behind.

"Yes hyung, I think I should, I have done a lot to get him, now I can't anymore, I think I should stop bothering him as well...."
Jinmin gave him a little smile, they told Kook to move on, but now they felt sad as well at the other's tone.

So from that day Kook ignored Tae as much as he could, he even didn't answer Tae if Tae would ask him anything. Tae also felt a bit hurt somewhere, he didn't know why, he started to miss how the younger was clingy onto him always, he missed the younger's cute talks, but why! He wanted Kook to move on right!

This all was going from past 2 weeks, now Tae was hurt, and he could feel it, he felt hurt when the younger answered him just with 'Hmm' or with a nod, he started to understand that he had something in his heart for the younger, even Namgihope talked to him abt this, but all he could do was keeping silence.

It's been more than a month already, Tae understood his feelings towards Kook, but couldn't talk to the younger. Jinmin saw that Tae was suffering too. So one day they made a plan to make Taekook together.

Jimin invited others to his house for a night stay as his parents weren't home. They all reached at evening, they saw a movie, chated, but Kook still ignored Tae in everything.

It was already 2 am, they decided to sleep, but before that decided to choose rooms. Namjin and Yoonmin were absolutely staying in two rooms as they were couples, now the question was about Hopetaekook, Kook was busy with his phn, when they rotated the bottle, the bottle 1st stopped at Hopekook, but kook was busy with phn so didn't notice, after seeing the result hobi looked at others only to find others glancing at him with sharp eyes, and Tae giving him a glare, he smiled nervously and slid the bottle a bit towards Taekook. Everyone smiled.

"Ok then Taekook ur room is upstairs, go, we're going to sleep as well"
Kook looked at the bottle, widened his eyes then looked at Tae, who was giving him a innocent look.

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