Vibrator a day

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Just a normal summer night, Kim Taehyung was seen on his house's couch holding his phone infront of his face but not doing anything on it. A slight frown was visible on his forehead and he looked like he was waiting for something. His eyes didn't leave the screen even when he took the water glass and drank half of it.

After what felt like eternity, did the phone make a sound as it rang. Taehyung picked it in a second,


"Hello? Taehyung? Well-"

"He's drunk?"


"I'm coming"
He didn't even wait and cut the call and left the house driving to the nightclub. His frown hadn't left the handsome face as he drove.

He reached in like nearly ten minutes and entered the club. He looked around to find the other, while few people bumped to him in drunk state. He with his sharp eyes looked around and found the face he was looking for near the bar. His frown deepened as he saw another unknown face near the other trying to lean on him.

Taehyung came and pushed the guy away who didn't even budge and walked away rolling eyes at him.

"Oh! You're here.. I went to grab some cold water"
He heard Felix behind.

"How much he drank?"

"I don't get paid for counting his glass bro"
Taehyung didn't give reaction to that, eyes still at the other's drunk face.

"You're here now.. take care then? I'll carry on with my night"
Jackson patted his back before walking away. Taehyung then tapped the other's cheek who seemed to get up from his short drunk sleep. He looked up at Taehyung to smile dumbly and stood up way too tipsy.

He chirped before falling on Taehyung's chest. Taehyung held him.

But he heard only a hum from his neck. Jungkook whined when he earned a slap on his ass.

"We're going home"


"I'm not listening to you.. let's go"
Jungkook behaved childish and said to dance with him. Seeing no other way, Taehyung picked him up in bridal style. He so wanted to put him over his shoulder and smack him, but he knew, if he did, he won't be able to move his shoulder the next day.

Jungkook was still throwing tantrums but stopped when Taehyung stared at him sternly. He silenced like a child and nuzzled his chest. Taehyung carried him out and sat him on the passanger seat, buckling his seat belt. Taehyung got on too and started the car. He looked beside once to see Jungkook asleep with his mouth open. He stared down at him, that boy indeed looked too sexy.. that angered him more.


Jungkook slowly opened his eyes as the sun slapped his face. He tried to move his head to other side only to feel like he had a brick on his head.

He frowned clutching his head as he sat up.

"When did I get home.."
He asked to himself. He found himself half naked, he could understand Taehyung changed his clothes.

"Nearly at 1:00 am"
He saw Taehyung at the door. Taehyung then came in and handed him the medicine and a cold water glass. Jungkook noticed how Taehyung didn't look at his eyes when he did so.. he could feel the other was mad. He had the medicine first, his head getting better with time.

The other hummed while arranging the bed.

"You're.. mad?"

"Should I laugh then?"
Jungkook shushed.

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