One Night Stand

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"U are denying me!"
A boy with all black dress, looking like a bad boy asked with furrowed brows.

"I-I'm sorry Taehyung...but..i can't accept ur proposal...i- have a boy-fr-iend..."
A pretty girl replied trying not to shutter.

Then the arrogant boy pushed her by her shoulder, not so harshly and said,

"Irene! U are saying no to whom u know right!"

"Tae-hyung...plz leave me..."
now she was getting scared bcz the boy infront of her looked scary.

"This is the first time someone denied me on my face! U-"
He was going to say more, but stopped when he saw Irene started to sob in fear.

"I'm sorry....plz...let me go...." Irene said again.
Then Tae again pushed her in anger, she hit the wall and felt pain but didn't say anything. Then Tae said"Fuck..." and left from there angrily. He straight went to a bar.

Short intro time:)
So this arrogant boy is Kim Taehyung, 3rd year student, a total play boy, handsome and hot as fack, girls drool over him, boys too, never has been in love really, does whatever he wants, not a virgin, rich kid, etc.

So the situation is, after a loooong time, Taehyung liked someone, not just to play around, really had eye on someone, and that's Irene, he didn't know she had a bf already, so he confessed, but Irene couldn't accept him. And being a rich kid, he always got whatever he wanted, so when she refused him, he got too angry, and then u saw what happened :[]


Other side:
"I think it's better for two of us Jungkook...., let's stop this, i shouldn't force u anymore, u can do whatever u want...."
A tall boy said to the named boy. When he got no response, he looked at the younger and saw him with an unreadable expression.

"Let's break up..." saying this the taller sighed.
Jungkook just slowly looked at other side, still with same expression, and gave a very small nod. Taller sighed and left from there.

"Jungkook..." a short male called for him, he witnessed all just happened.

"Jimina... didn't u say u wanna have a drink! Let's go" Jungkook said with a sarcastic chuckle.


"What! Why are giving me sympathetic face! Let's go, let's celebrate my freedom! Finally!...."
still with same smile.
Jimin looked at him, but he knew that younger was hurt, even if it is just a little bit.

Again time for intro:)

So the two persons who just broke up, are Jeon Jungkook and Cha Eun-Woo. And who witnessed all, it was Jimin, Jungkook's best friend. Jungkook is a normal boy, not with a rich family background, only has his father who is a gambler, so he stays with grandparents, 2nd year student, handsome and cute, has sassyness, but doesn't show much, has a little crush on Taehyung.

So here the situation is, Eun-Woo and he were in a relationship, sorry, forced relationship from past few months. Eun-Woo forced him in this threatening that he would tell others abt his father, he had to agree, tho he was always cold with him. Eun-Woo sometimes tried to force him, but couldn't do much, they only had kisses, which were forced. Tho Jungkook had no feelings for him, but after few months, he wanted to change, he knew he was bounded by the threat, so he tried to be normal, and really be in a relation. He was thinking all these and was trying to change a bit, when suddenly he one day found out Eun-Woo with an other boy on bed. He felt hurt, but didn't show it. Eun-Woo then had a talk with him and.....they ended up breaking up.

Jimin knew abt his friend's feelings, so he felt bad when the younger chuckled sarcastically, but at last agreed to go to drink with him.
Jimin has a bf, named Yoongi, he was also a student of the college, but he graduated that year. They meet with eachother almost every day, they are happy, and Jungkook is happy for them, but his own life is really messy.

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