One Night Stand pt.2

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After laying him down Tae was going to stand up, when the younger slowly held his one colar, keeping him close. Their breaths were touching each other's face.

Tae looked at his eyes, which were looking back at him, seemingly needy.

Tae could just get lost in the younger's beauty. The soft and tender skin, those plumpy, glossy lips, tinted cheeks, messy hair, drunk eyes, it all was too much for him.

While looking at each other, Tae didn't notice when he hovered over the beautiful boy under him. They were still staring.

Tae had one night stands before, maybe more than twice, but for the first time, he looked so closely, so admiringly, at someone under him. He wanted to wreck the beauty, throw away all his innocence, but still he didn't want to hurt the younger, but why?

Very soon Tae's gaze went towards those plumpy lips, he leaned and Kook slowly closed his eyes.

Soon their lips met, they melted in the kiss, tho Kook didn't know how to kiss, but he tried. Tae could absolutely say that those lips tasted the best for him. He slowly sucked on the bottom lip asking for permission, and who was Kook to deny!

He parted his lips and Tae entered his tongue. His tongue roamed around the hot carven.

After almost 5 minutes, they parted away breathing heavily.

Tae then went towards his neck. He licked his own lips while looking at the milky skin. He leaned again and started leaving open mouth kisses on his skin, then he took a spot and started sucking there making kook moan in a low voice. Soon he got addicted and started sucking harshly leaving red purple marks on his milky skin. Kook whined and moaned.

After leaving few marks, Tae leaned and pecked his lips again. Then he started unbuttoning Kook's shirt, Kook let him do what he wanted.

Soon he was left half naked, but feeling shy, Kook slowly raised his hand pointing at Tae's shirt, Tae understood so he opened his shirt as well followed by his jeans. Kook touched his abs, which weren't much prominent, but still it gave him a great feeling.

Tae leaned down, started leaving wet kisses on his open chest. Then slowly went towards the hardened nipples. Kook took a fistful of Tae's hair and pressed his face more on his chest.
Then tae kissed his left nipple which made him arche his back. Then Tae left few licks before taking it in his mouth. He sucked like a baby, licked his nipples time to time.

Kook was in verge of crying bcz he was too sensitive on that part of his body. Then Tae did the same with the right one and pecked Kook's lips again.

He left few kisses and marks on Kook's stomach before going towards the bulge of Kook.
He opened Kook's pants and left him only on boxers.
He then rubbed his hand on the visible bulge, which made Kook have shivers. He then kissed the tip and precums started leaking.
He slowly went towards Kook's ear and said,

"I'll be gentle, ok?"

That husky voice made him shiver again and he immediately nodded.

Then Tae took off his own boxer and his taeconda sprung out. Kook widened his eyes in drunk way seeing the size. Tae chuckled and took off Kook's boxers. Kook was shy, so he tried to close his legs.

"Uhu... No pretty, no hiding"

He caught his legs in his hands and spread them. Kook looked at other side in shyness. Tae came towards his face and left a kiss on his ear lobe and said,

"Let's prepare u..."

Kook slowly turned to him. Tae showed him his two fingers and told him to suck.

Kook slowly opened his mouth and did what the elder said. While sucking he was also moaning lowly as their members were rubbing against each other which made them more turned on.

After sucking for awhile, Tae took it out and slowly pushed his one finger inside the younger's pinky hole. Kook whined at the sudden touch. Tae moved his finger with every second, in a rhythm.

Then he added another finger, Kook was moaning quite loud as it was his first time. But those moans are very sweet melodies for the elder.

He then added another finger and started scissoring his hole while abusing his prostate with his long fingers. Kook arched his back and Tae kissed his nipples again.

He sucked on them again.
Kook didn't notice when those fingers were replaced with something more big.

Tae first rubbed his member against Kook's thighs which made Kook give such sexy expressions and Tae enjoyed it. Then he slowly pushed his tip inside, Kook moaned trying to bear the pain and pleasure.

Tae then pushed the half length and kook gasped at that. Then he pushed his full length and Kook moaned loudly already tearing up due to pain and pleasure.

" Daddy"

That word was enough for Tae, he was being soft until now, but that one word made him lose all his control.

He started moving in and out in a pace. Kook kept moaning and called him daddy with most thrusts. Tae fastened his pace, he started abusing his prostate with his long length. He changed his position to go more deep, he held his tiny waist, thrust with force, which made the bed move with their movements. Kook moaned too loud every time he felt Tae deep inside.


But Tae wasn't listening anything, he kept giving deep thrusts.


"Oh yea, ugh...cum bub...oh fuck"

Kook released his load on his stomach. But Tae kept his pace to reach his orgasm.

But he didn't have to wait much as kook was clenching around him.

"Ugh fuck, u feel soo good... oh.... clenching so good around me bub..."

Within 2 minutes Tae felt his orgasm, so he pulled out and cummed on bedsheet. They were all sweaty and breathing heavily.

They were so lost in their sinful work, that Tae first didn't notice that were having a raw sex, when he realised, it was impossible to carry on with protection, so he didn't cum inside him, remembering that they didn't use protection. And about Kook, it was his first time and he was drunk, he was far to deny anything.

Kook almost collapsed, Tae went towards the attached bathroom and took a towel to clean them up. He was also tired, so after cleaning he laid down beside the younger, who was already asleep.

He looked at the younger locks which were sticking on his forehead due to sweat. He put the locks on the right places and pecked the younger again.

He was also confused that why was he getting so gentle with the younger, it wasn't his first time, but he never cared like this to others, then why?

But he didn't care much, his head was heavy, so he also slept while hugging the pretty boy by his tiny waist.

Next morning -


This oneshot will be in three parts, wait for the next part. This part is full sm*t
(how i wrote 1184 words only on smut🌚🤡!)
Hope u like this, and gimme some ideas what can happen after this one night stand?🤔
Do read, comment, vote....
Tnq for reading the other u~

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