Innocent Hubby

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Taehyung called for his cute husfie from the living room.

"Yeah yeah, coming..."
A sweet voice replied from the kitchen.

Soon a beautiful boy with petite figure came out wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts, with a lunchbox in his hand.

Jungkook handed it to his hubby who smiled his bright boxy smile.

"Thank you baby..."
Jungkook smiled back and walked little closer to him.

"Let me help with your tie.."
Kook said and started doing his tie, while Tae stood there looking at his husband with adoration.


"Ok baby, I'm leaving... take care.."
Saying this he put his hand on his husband's nape and kissed his forehead.

Though they are married for 7 months now, and it was a arrange marriage, this small forehead kiss never failed to make Kook flutter. Their marriage worked out really well, it was arranged by both their parents as they were business partners, but they never regretted for agreeing. They slowly fell in love and became each other's breath.

"Bye baby"
Tae said and walked towards the door. Kook stared at him until he was out of sight.

He took his hand to the place where his hubby kissed him and smiled shyly. But next moment he sighed?

"Hope I could get a kiss here too hubby..."
He touched his lips while saying this.

Yea, this is what going on. They love each other blindly. But till now they never went ahead than forehead and cheek kisses.


Kook's hubby is too innocent. He doesn't know much about sex or love making. He even thinks that if he does something like French kiss, then his baby will fell uncomfortable with him. So he never dared to do anything. He even tried to avoid any sensitive, I mean sexually sensitive talks.

But what he didn't know was, his baby was craving for these, he was longing for his physical love. But he couldn't say anything to his hubby, cause he was shy and also, he didn't want to loss the innocent smile his hubby gives him. It's not that he didn't try, but he just didn't know what to say. He really wanted to do 'it' with his one and only love and also have babies with him, but he didn't know how to approach.

*Ding dong*

Kook came out of his thoughts. He walked towards the main door and slowly opened it.

He didn't find anyone there so he frowned and questioned himself if he heard wrong.

Kook flinched and jumped back a step.

"Uh!! JIMIN HYUNG! What the heck!"

He huffed at the short male infront of him who was laughing his heart out.

"Hahahaa just look at your face haha!"

"You shortie!"
Jimin instantly stopped laughing and looked at him with a fake anger.

"Hey you brat! This is how you call your hyung!!!"

"Then why you scared me!"


"Ok ok stop! First come inside..."
Jimin huffed but still went in.

They dropped themselves on the couch.

"He? Office?"
Jimin asked.

Kook understanding about whom he was asking, just nodded.

"So how's everything going? He is treating you well?"

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