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Just a sight chilly weekend day it was. The house was enough warm, thanks to the heater. Yet, the two people living there, were mentally in a cold situation.

What does that mean? Well let's see..

Taehyung called walking down the stairs looking for the other. The other did come out of the laundry room with washed clothes in a basket, but gave no eye towards Taehyung.

Taehyung made a whiny face.

"Are you still gonna do this?"
No response. Taehyung sighed, kinda annoyed. This has been going on for more than two days now.

"Jungkook, I said sorry no?"
But Jungkook just went into other room. Taehyung annoyedly stared side ways to the door before shrugging and went to have his breakfast.

What happened you ask?

Actually, like a week ago, Jungkook had gone to his parents' place for a few days. Mr Jeon was having a serious cold, so Jungkook got worried and went over. Taehyung would go too, if only his office work wasn't loaded.

But that's not the point, the point is.. Taehyung is a literally messy person. If not for Jungkook, maybe the house would look like a total mess right now. It's kind of a bad habit of Taehyung. Jungkook had been trying to cure it.

So.. while going over, Jungkook had told Taehyung,
"I shouldn't be seeing the house upside down when I get back home Tae.. clear your mess by yourself; or else, I ain't talking to you"
He warned him. Taehyung nodded like a obedient guy for that time, but..

Yea, Jungkook indeed found the house messed after getting home. He got mad this time. Taehyung at that time was like a fish caught in net. Jungkook glared at him for a long time before he literally ignored him and walked away. And Taehyung knew he was fucked up.

Taehyung apologised and tried to give excuses but Jungkook wasn't having any of it. So.. this present situation occured.

But also, Jungkook wasn't really planning on staying mad for long. He was gonna ignore Taehyung until he cleans up everything by himself. Taehyung eventually did clean up.

But one time Taehyung said such a thing like,
"What are you getting so mad about anyway Koo? You know I'm like this, I can't just change my bad habit all of a sudden! You do the work everytime anyway, you can't ignore me for just this?"

This kinda got Jungkook offended. He was just trying to clear Taehyung's habit and Taehyung made it sound as if Jungkook was doing something wrong. And that led Jungkook ignore him more.

At present,
Taehyung was done eating, Jungkook was passing by before him a lot of times but he was just doing his works, not for Taehyung to see.

"This is cruel~"
Taehyung whined to himself. But then his phone rang. Called id showed "Midget".

"Hello Chim?"

"What hello!? You two left your bed or not? I called you like a hour ago, no one answered! You do remember we have plans right?"
Taehyung heard everything while keeping the phone slight away from his ear. He blinked few times before widening his eyes.

He forgot!

"Uh- yea.. we're almost ready to leave.."
Jimin stayed silent awhile.

"Shut the fuck up and get your ass up from the couch and get ready"
And the call cut. Jimin just.. knew his alien bestie too well :)

"Oh shit"
Taehyung mumbled and sprung up from couch. He yelled,
"Koo! We've to leave, we totally forgot abo–"

But who was he kidding? Jungkook was already walking down the stairs dressed up.

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