One Night Stand pt.3

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Next morning -
Tae was the first one to wake up. He looked beside him and found an angel sleeping peacefully. He smiled a little, then slowly took out his hand under Jungkook's head.

He went towards bathroom, not waking Kook. He freshened up and came out within 10 minutes.

Kook was still asleep. Tae thought that how he went raw last night and he could feel that it was Kook's first time. So being thoughtful, which he usually doesn't be, he left painkillers and a note before leaving.

After 5 minutes, Kook slowly opened his eyes but didn't find himself in his room. His head was heavy, he felt dizzy. He took sometime to be stable, then he felt awkward under the blanket. So he held the blanket up and noticed that he was totally naked. His eyes popped out.

"What! Why am I naked? Wait, where am i? What happened yesterday!!?"

He tried to think, but he only remembered that after break up, he came to drink and he drank too much. Then...he went to washroom, but after that what happened!!?

He tried hard to remember, but no use. But he could absolutely felt that he got a dick last night, bcz his bottom part was hurting too bad. He just wanted to know with whom he did it? Who took his virginity away? Yes, he wasn't too shocked, bcz he was too drunk, it was pretty normal to happen.

He tried to get up, but couldn't move due to pain. Then he noticed something on the nightstand. It was painkillers and there was a note as well. He first took the medicine and ate it, thinking that, "The man left medicine!!"

He sat there for sometime and slowly his pain lessened. He got up and wore his clothes first. Then went to washroom to freshen up. After coming out, he again noticed the note. So he took it and started reading,

Good morning pretty, hope u had a good sleep, if you are feeling pain, then take the medicine. It was nice to meet u, i hope to hang out with u again.

-Your Stranger

After reading, Kook didn't say anything. He didn't know how to react. All he could do was trying to think about the stranger.

Kook had college so he came home first, took his bag and left for college. On way he noticed there were so many missed calls from Jimin. So he came fast to meet him.

After reaching, he found jimin to stand in the front with worried face.

"Jimina.." he called.

"Huf! U brat! Where were u? Why u didn't pick up my calls? U know how scared I was? U..." He bombard him with lot of questions but Kook kept silence.

"Hey, talk something!"

"Wait, are u limping!?" Jimin noticed.

He looked at Kook's eyes, they made a eye contact which made jimin to understand many things.

"U...u got a dick last night!!" He said loudly.

"Hey, lower ur voice, what are u doing!!?"

"Uhm.. sorry but tell me is it true?"
Kook slowly nodded.


"Jimina plz, i was too drunk, don't be angry..." He pouted.

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