Kim Yeontan

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Taehyung just parked the car coming back to his home. Hopefully, a not so exhausting office day it was. He loosened his tie a bit while going to the door.

Being in his thoughts of just chilling now, till tomorrow's work again, he entered the house. He took his shoes off, hand going to the tie again as he stepped into the living only to still on his spot.

Before his eyes stood two living creatures-
A black and brown furry ball and a bunny human. But the point was, the furry ball had a slipper held by his mouth pointing towards the bunny human who had a pan in his hand as a shield to protect himself.

Noticing Taehyung's presence they both peeked over towards him. Bunny still holding the pan in his hand as he looked at him side ways and the fur ball just moved his neck towards him still having the slipper.

Taehyung looked at both time to time, they also just blinked at him. Awkward silence.

It took him some seconds, before he blinked and looked away,
"I should.. fresh up, carry on"
He nodded before walking away to the stairs.

The two made an eye contact before dropping the things they had and glared at eachother. Both then seen running behind the other male who was now preparing for a shower.

The fur ball entered the room first and jumped like he won the race as the other followed in glaring at him again. Taehyung was unphased.

The little one barked as he walked up to Taehyung and tugged his pant who looked down and smiled at him sweetly. Taehyung bent down and held him in arms who licked his cheeks.

"Yah! Don't lick my husband!"
Jungkook walked close too and wiped Taehyung's cheek with a tissue, earning glare again. Jungkook then pecked that same place and smirked at him who whined in his voice. But purred again as Taehyung caressed him. Jungkook put his chin on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Welcome home"
He whispered.

"I was welcomed in a very surprising way"
He grinned. Jungkook pouted.

"Why were you two fighting?"

"He ate away the cake I was making for you, so I also didn't let him watch his favourite show-"

"Woof! Woof!"

"You brat!"

"Aish- stop.. you two bicker like kids"

"Then tell him to not hang around you all the time~"
A bark was followed at him again. Taehyung just shook his head, pretty much used to this now.

"Ok ok, I gotta take a shower.. Tannie, go play"

"When he doesn't play?"
Jungkook scoffed but widened his eyes as Tannie literally gave atitude and turned around like he scoffed back before leaving the room swaying his hips.

"You saw that-!"
Taehyung held his nape and pecked him to shut him up. Jungkook melted almost immediately turning to him. Taehyung held him close by his waist, Jungkook wrapped arms around his neck too. The elder leaned and nuzzled his neck.

"Shh.. and let me charge myself"
Jungkook smiled as they stayed like that awhile.

"Tired much?"

"Not much, but.. yea"

"I made makguksu, bulgogi and gimbap.. is that okay?"

"Really? More than ok baby!"
Jungkook watched as Taehyung then went to shower humming happily.

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