My Father in law Loves Me

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Request from Aqqqqqqqwerjjjjnnnjj
My first request 🤩, and thanks for this idea😘♥️
Let's get it-

"Do you take Jeon Jungkook as your lawful husband?"

"I do"

"Do you take Kim Yugyeom as your lawful husband?"

"I do"

"You two are lawfully husbands from now on, you may kiss each other"

The elder one took a step with an emotionless face and the younger finally looked up just to face him. Elder leaned and left a soft peck on younger's forehead.

Whole hall echoed with clapping sounds. Both their parents came forward.

"Oh my son! Finally you are married..."
Elder's mother came forward to him and hugged with a dramatic tone. He didn't hug back though, he just gave a tight and small smile.

There a handsome man stood just beside them, but his eyes were not on both mother son duo, his eyes just stared at the youngest one between all them who was just looking down not with shyness, rather sadness.

The man who just got a hug from his mom, came towards the handsome man

He called out very shortly.

Finally the handsome man looked at him and also gave a short tight smile.

"Congratulations son, you are married now..."

His voice got more unhearable.

Now both father-son was looking at eachother with hurt eyes, their minds were full of so many things, but they had no way to solve their problems. They ended the eye contact with a hug.

Other side-
The youngest one called for his dad.

"Finally you did something good for me! Finally I don't have to take care of you anymore! Congrats Jungkook for your marriage...., thanks for giving me this gift.... I hope you stay well there...."

His voice was breaking by his own dad's words, he didn't think his dad would be so happy to get rid of him.

He just looked down with glossy eyes.

Suddenly all the moments he used to have once with his dad and mom came in his mind. They were so happy as long as the truth didn't come out. They were a happy family until the day his dad got to know that he was gay. The only truth made his life hell, he didn't think his dad to start hating him like this. And things got worse when his mom left him due to cancer. There wasn't a single day his dad didn't make him feel like the worst person in the world.

And when there came the matter of his marriage with Yugyeom, his dad was so happy. He just wanted to get rid of his own son. That's why now he is saying congrats to his son with such a happy mood.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice someone's full gaze on him.

After all the rituals and meeting with others, both families left to their respective places. Yugyeom and Jungkook were in one car, but the distance between them looked like more than a mile.

On the other car Taehyung and Mina(Yugyeom's mom) was going towards their house. Mina looked so satisfied with her son's marriage, though she forced it.

And there Taehyung was just looking out of the window, his mind was occupied with just one person, whom he couldn't take out of his head even if he tried. He knew he was doing wrong to think about that person with whom his son just got bounded for forever, but what could he do! In his whole lifetime, that was the person who could put a smile on his face just by seeing him. He was the first person whose presence near him could make him feel he isn't alone.

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