Sugar Daddy

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"Daddy....mmm...aah...slow plz....ahh"
a boy begged moaning to his dadd-oops sugar daddy.

"U take me so good baby" the elder growled.


"Not now, w8 for me"

"Umm... da-daddy... can't...aah"

"U want me to punish u!"


"Then..then hold it"
The elder pounded onto the younger in same speed. The younger kept moaning getting close to his orgasm but being denied. After more few minutes,

"Um~daddy...plz...plz let me cum...aah"

"Cum baby, come now...."
Hearing this the younger released a heavy load with a loud moan over his stomach and on the elder.

He started clenching his hole around the elder's member making him close too. Within a minute the elder also came deep inside the younger who let out a moan with the feeling of getting filled. Then the elder fell upon the younger. Both their breaths were too heavy. Then the elder cleaned them and laid down hugging the younger. The younger nuzzeld his face in his crook but pouted when the elder didn't even ask him if he was ok or not and just slept.

"Why will he ask Kook? He is just ur sugar daddy? Not ur boyfriend, why will he ask!?"
The younger thought and sighed sadly.

(So the thing is, Jungkook is from a middle class family, he lost his parents a year ago, he had only his aunt, but few months ago she became ill, and Jungkook needed money to do her treatment. Then his bestfriend, Jimin helped him giving this offer, even though he himself wasn't happy to give the offer, but the younger didn't deny much. Jungkook met his sugar daddy Kim Taehyung later in a bar. He was mesmerized seeing Taehyung's handsome face, but later got to know the evil behind this face. From that day he lived with Taehyung. Tae took care of his college fees, and other things, he never said no to Kook to buy anything. He cared for the younger. Kook was first tensed for this job, but later he started liking the way Tae took care of him, he liked Tae's touches, he liked when the elder would calm down only by him, by fucking him, only he could give his daddy pleasure. Kook soon fall for Tae, though Tae didn't show any kind of love towards him, only care, like responsibility; but Kook still fall for him. It's been more than a month Kook has understood his feelings but he was scared thinking Tae would cancel the contract. So he didn't confess. He was trying to get love, actual love from Tae, but he never got any satisfying interaction which he wanted other than sex)

Next morning Tae woke up first and saw a bunny hugging him like a baby with a pout while sleeping. He smiled a little then shook the bunny boy. After few seconds Kook finally woke up and saw his daddy.

"Good morning daddy..." sleepy voice.

"Good morning" he replied and got up.

"Daddy pick me~"
Tae sighed and picked him up and went towards bathroom. He put Kook in the bath tub and turned on the shower. Then started leaving.

"Umm...daddy...can u clean me?" asked in tiny with hope.

"Kook I have work, i have to leave, and I'm not ur boyfriend, u can do this alone, I'm leaving, take ur time, eat breakfast and study properly" Tae replied making Kook sad.

"Okie daddy..." too low voice. Then tae left to another bathroom, showered, then went to work after getting ready.

"Kook why do u expect him to do this? He is right, he is not ur boyfriend....... but daddy i want u to be my boyfriend...." sadly pouted. Then he cleaned himself and slowly came out with a bathrobe. He was limping but could walk. He somehow managed to go to his college.

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