Idol♡Choreographer pt.2

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warning:long chapter ahead

It's been 5 months Tae has joined as Kook's choreographer. In these months many things happened.

Taekook got more close, they are like close friends now. Hyuni also  visited Kook once in every week and Kook was so happy to get a little friend. Playing with her made him feel cheerful.

Tae also got a short fanbase of his own, ARMYs got really attracted towards his handsome face and more towards his dancing skills. They knew about Taekook's friendship and some even tried to ship them.

Kook won three awards in this time period and even Tae also got a award for Kook's MV choreography. Tae almost cried that and Kook was there to comfort him.

Tae also got to know how much down to earth Kook is, he didn't eat lunch with him before thinking that he can't afford them, but later found out that, no, Kook also eats simple food just like him, but yes, Kook is a big foodie.

Everything was going pretty well, but what's more important was their feelings for each other.

Kook's crush slowly turned into love and he was aware of that. And the thing was that, he wasn't scared to confess, he was just for a right moment. Day by day he fall for the other more deeply.

And about Tae, he was also falling for the younger, his admiration towards Kook was turning into something more deep, but, he tried to surpass those feelings. He kept reminding him,
'No Taehyung, stop thinking these things, you just work for him, you two are just friends, nothing more.... it's not possible'

One day-
Taekook were taking rest after long practice, both were panting heavily and were catching their breathes. Then suddenly Kook spoke,

"Hyung...Hyuni didn't come this week? Why?..."

"Actually Jungkook-ah, I told you na, she was ill, so doctor told her to take rest that's why I didn't let her come..."
The other just made a 'o' face.

"But I have to say Jungkook-ah, you really did magic on her. Before she used to cry if I didn't play with her, but now she cries because she can't meet you, even if it's just for a week"
Tae continued with a chuckle. And kook also smiled hearing that.

'If I could do any magic with you too hyung and keep you with me forever...'
Kook thought.

"Um...hyung, then... can I meet her? I..mean can I visit her at your place?"
Hearing this Tae stared at him for few seconds thinking if he could take Kook home.

"Uh, Jungkook-ah, yo-you really wanna go to my house!"

"Yeah, but ofcourse if y-you don't have any p-problem..."

"Uh, no no... um..ok then..."

"Then are we going today?"
Kook asked with a sparkle in his eyes and Tae noticed it. He mentally cooed at his cute behaviour.

"We can, you don't have any schedule after practice?"

"No, I'm free today... I think I have a shoot tomorrow evening, I'm free till then..."

"Ok then, but inform Hobi hyung..."
Kook nodded.


"This place is so calm hyung!"
Kook exclaimed while looking out of the car. They were few minutes away from Tae's home.

"Yea, it is..."

"It's so disturbing at my place..."
Kook said with a pout and Tae chuckled.

"Isn't it normal?"
Tae said and Kook pouted more.

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