Am I good enough?

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Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook are 7 members of world's best boy band BTS. They love their ARMYs as much as ARMYs love them.

On camera they are all single, but what about behind the cam?

It's been 9 years, they have formed this group and worked hard to reach such a high position. They all love eachother very much and they are like a family. The two youngers, Taehyung and Jungkook are something more than a family or brothers.

Yes, u are thinking right, they are dating, it's been a year already they have confessed to each other. Others support them as well.

On first few years, they used to be like bestfriends, always together. They always loved eachother's company. Later they grew up, became mature, so their nature had changes, but they always had their eyes on each other.

After a long wait finally, Taehyung confessed to him on Jungkook's birthday, and absolutely he accepted.

They were worried if ARMY will like it or not, they never exposed themselves infront of camera, i mean atleast tried. But later they got to know that there are so many ARMYs, who call themselves Taekooker. They were happy to see that ARMY still support them even if they didn't tell anything yet.

Bighit works hard on editing Taekook parts, bcz they are kinda too obvious. They always cut Taekook moments, which help us to get more sure.

Taekook have been good boyfriends. They always show eachother how much they love eachother.

In their relationship, tho Tae is the top, but he acts like a baby to his boyfie. Kook gives him piggyback rides, Tae even sometimes call him hyung when he needs something. Kook also acts like his elder, but more like his baby mommy. And they are happy like this. Kook have very nice muscles, six packs, but also a tiny waist with a good jungbooty. Tae isn't that muscular but he also have nice biceps and a killing aura with a deep voice which can make anyone kneel down infront of him.

Everything was going fine until one day-

Tae was in his room scrolling through his phone. Others were also doing their works. Tae first thought of calling Kook, but then remembered he was sleeping after workout. So he didn't disturb him. He was scrolling through his gallery, watching his baby's pics, then some fan-made videos of their nine years achievements.

Then he suddenly noticed a fanart from a top kooker. There Tae was looking so girly and small infront of Kook. He had a small frown. Then he went to that account and noticed few more, like this, he went through some other top kook accounts. He felt bad. He saw how those top kookers made him girly. Made Kook taller, much stronger than him.

One thing stuck his head is, Kook has a great body, nice muscles, so he is the top, and Kook is more like his hyung, he takes care of Tae more.

He was happy that they were saying good about Kook's figure but he didn't like the fact that they were making him girly and bottom for Kook's figure. He put the phone down and looked at the ceiling. He started comparing himself with Kook. He always noticed how Kook took care of his own body, he remembers how he admired Joon's biceps. One question suddenly formed in his brain,

"Am I good enough beside u?"


"Tae come, dinner is ready"
Jin called him from downstairs. He was still thinking about that matter. He came downstairs, saw everyone already sitting and waiting for him. Seeing him Kook called him and patted the chair next to him. Tae went and sat beside him.

They started having dinner, all were talking and eating but Tae was totally silent. Others didn't notice much bcz Tae sometimes talk less. After awhile Kook looked towards him and saw him totally focused on eating and not even looking at others.

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