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A grey car pulled up to the parking lot. A male soon walked out wearing a white tucked tshirt, black formal pants and a dark grey coat in his hand.

He walked slight lazily sighing once in between. Getting to the house door, he rang the bell.

Not long after another male opened the door and showed a wide smile. The previous male already felt so much better as he walked inside and put his forehead on the other's shoulder.

"Welcome home hubby~"
The other hummed as the door closed behind.


He dropped the coat and loosely wrapped his arms around his waist nuzzling his neck.

"Let me have some Koo-charge"
Giggles filled his ears making him more energetic.

"Is that a new brand of human charger?"

"Mm~ discovered by me, only for me"
The smile only got wider. The hug carried on with one charging himself while other rubbing his back.

"Look at me"
The hugging male, now pretty much charged looked at him who cupped his face kissing his nose.

"Look at you, I gotta do some skin care for you later, dark circles doesn't suit you at all hubby"

"I know.. but I'm still handsome?"

"Praising yourself huh?"
Both chuckled.

"I couldn't look at you properly even these days Koo, how'd I look at myself?"
Jungkook hummed caressing his cheeks.

"It's done now, right?"

Both grinned.

"Now I have you all to myself Tae~"

"And I have you~"

Last few weeks had been a hustle, mainly to Taehyung. He was already working on a big project, then his PA's only family- his father got ill. Taehyung had to do works without his PA and also visit him and his father often. Thankfully he was stable now, but not discharged yet. And due to all these, last few weeks had been really busy days for them. What hurt most was he couldn't give his baby proper time.

Well Jungkook was slight busy too with a programme in which his students of music class were performing.

Thankfully it all ended now and they finally got some time together :)

"Go fresh up.. I have a surprise"
Taehyung's eyes lit up immediately.


"Mm hm?"

It was like his all energy came back as he skipped to upstairs. Jungkook chuckled at his cuteness.

After done with a freshing shower, Taehyung walked out wearing a towel only. He then grabbed the clothes humming under his breath. Thinking of the surprise made him bounce on his feet.

While pulling the tshirt down his figure, he saw a paper on bed. He took it and there was written–

"Come to roof top"

—(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)

Taehyung smiled warmly at the initials drawn. His baby is the cutest!

Wasting no time, he left the room and walked up the stairs to roof. His stomach filling with butterflies more and more.

He stepped on the roof and his warm smile again came back. A comfy bed date on roof top!

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