Angel pt.2

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Taekook with their little angel got home from hospital. Jungkook was tired, so Taehyung made him sit on the couch with Taekoo in his arms wrapped in a fluff. He went to kitchen to get him some water and having some himself. Jungkook gulped it down, eyes not leaving from the little one. His heart felt full at that moment, like he didn't need anything else in his life.

She was sleeping till now, but now slowly opened her Bambi eyes and her lips curved seeing her appa.

"Baby woke up hm?"
Jungkook talked to her. Taehyung settled with them too cooing at his angel.

"She's really too cute"
Jungkook hummed swaying her side to side a bit. Taehyung kissed Jungkook's cheek making him look at him and give a kiss back.

"I'm just so happy bun"

"I know.. I'm so happy too, we'll be best parents for her"

"We will baby"
They kept staring at her for God knows how long, she had fallen asleep again but they just couldn't stop looking at her. They stated at her like she was their world, which she was.

"Baby, we should fresh up now"
Taehyung came out of his trance first. Jungkook nodded. Their hyungs had arranged everything in their room. They entered their bedroom, a baby cot just close to their bed, baby toys and plushies kept on the window sill.

"Give her to me, you fresh up first"
Jungkook slowly handed her to her dada and pecked her soft cheek. He got some oversized clothes and towel before he went into the washroom not before noticing Taehyung sitting on bed with her and smiling subconsciously.

She woke up again when Taehyung was holding her on bed. She was about to scrunch her face and cry but Taehyung hurriedly shushed her and made a face which turned her lips into a toothless smile.

"Aww.. isn't my angel the prettiest?"
He took her near his face and acted like he would eat her cheeks which made her let out a soft giggle. Till now Jungkook's moans were the best music for him, but her giggles got the first position already. While he played with her, Jungkook came out after awhile. He told him to go. Jungkook settled now with her as Taehyung left to wash up.

When Taehyung came out, his angel was changed into a fluffy bunny onesie. He immediately cooed. She was laying on the bed with her legs slight folded, Jungkook made faces to her making him giggle. She then stopped smiling and suddenly started crying making both parents worried Jungkook took her in his arms,
"Oh baby, what happened hm? Why is angel crying?"
He slowly bounced her to stop her cries.

"You are hungry?"
He asked when she with her little palm touched over his chest.

"She's hungry?"
Taehyung asked sitting down with them.

"I think so"
Jungkook raised his tshirt revealing his pecks. He took her mouth close to his nipples and she started feeding her own stomach.

No, Taehyung absolutely didn't gulp and look away.

Jungkook didn't take any note of it, he was just focused on feeding her. He took her to the other side to drink from there too. Taehyung just took his phone trying to distract himself and replied hyungs and their parents. He looked back to them only when Jungkook pulled his shirt down. She was still having a not so happy face.

"Why is baby still not happy totally?"
He asked holding her and kissed her whole face and she let out fit of giggles.

Awhile later, hyungs came together and they weren't at all ready to let her go to her parents. Taekook knew already, she was gonna be spoiled rotten.

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