Alpha's Mate

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I'll ask for forgiveness beforehand, I've never wrote anything much related ancient or Kingdom things, so sorry if there are mistakes..
Request from

Long chapter ahead..

A luxurious palace in white, blue and golden, like those fairly tales was situated beautifully in the kingdom of Zayra. There could be seen a spacious room in the palace where people seemed to be talking among themselves, like having a discussion. They all seemed elderly people, age being over 40. Not long after, a voice announced to them,

"Prince is here"
Hearing so they stood up standing properly.

The big door of the room opened as a gorgeous male having navy blue eyes, soft glowy skin, beautiful and handsome face, perfectly shaped figure covered under his royal clothes and his long blue hair falling till the middle of his back, walked in with his royal aura.

He came forward with his chief commander, Namjoon following behind. He nodded to the elder males who bowed and took a seat along the prince himself.

"What is this sudden meeting about?"
Prince asked politely yet professionally.

"Your highness, as we all know.. our beloved king is not with us anymore and Queen is currently watching over the kingdom..-"
Prince nodded kinda getting where this was going.

"- so.. as you can understand, our kingdom needs a king, and you are-"

"Haven't we already had a discussion over this? And as far as I remember, I had mentioned that I would take things on my hand when I'll be fully ready"
Prince replied trying not to frown.

"Yes, we know that but.. it's just, our people are anxious about when they will have a king again"

"Hm, but they should have more faith in their queen too"
They didn't reply on that, just looked at eachother.

Prince looked up at Namjoon as they shared a glance before he said again,
"As the higher acquaintance, I'll hope you to assure our people some more and.. I'm thinking on this matter"
He took a deep breath before he stood up, the others did too.

"Maybe.. the next meeting we have, we can discuss the coronation day"
He said with not much assurity, but the others looked satisfied with the answer.

"If that's all-"

"Sorry for interrupting your highness but.."
They shared glances again looking hesitant. Prince gave a small frown with questioning look.

"..we were wondering.. um, if you have found your.. mate, our Luna..- no, cause, we'd need a Luna by your side too.. if we discuss coronation.."
He stretched more unnecessarily. Prince's lips went in a straight line.

"I know very well what is needed and what not for our kingdom and I'd follow every rules, this is a matter, we should talk about later.."
They looked down and nodded before prince left the room with Namjoon.

They came to his room as both relaxed from the royal aura,
"Why do they keep talking about the same thing everytime!?"
He shrugged annoyed.

"They aren't really wrong now, are they your highness?"

"Hyung~ I told you don't call me that"

"You can hear this from everyone except me here huh?"

"I literally grew up with you hyung, it's weird~"

"Ok ok, you pouty bunny.."
He pouted more.

"Keep pouting, you're not getting what was sent for you"
He said teasingly. The other's eyes immediately shot up.

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