His pervert husband

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A boy is sleeping in the early morning, when sunrays hit his pretty face. He opened his eyes slowly to find his handsome hubby sleeping and hugging him being half naked. He remembered last night and red shade came on his cheeks. He knew his back was hurting, still tried to get up.


"Uh...what... what happened? Baby what's wrong?"
Tae woke up suddenly hearing Kook's voice and asked him like a lost puppy.

"U monster! U broke my ass! Now asking what happened!"
Kook said angrily.

"Awww my cute bun, it's not my fault bub, ur moans were turning me on, what could I do! And u also told me to go faster....."
He said teasing him.

"U pervert, shut up! Pick me, i wanna go washroom"
Then Tae picked him up and they did their morning routine.

Now Kook was making breakfast when he felt two arms around his waist. He flinched a bit, then he knew it was his hubby by his smell. He kept doing his work. Then Tae started to kiss his neck from behind.

"Mm...Tae stop, what are u doing!"
Tae didn't reply, kept kissing.

"Tae....., Stop it!"

"But ur smell is so nice babe...., It attracts me so much"
Tae said while kissing.

"U pervert! Stop it! Look I'm still sore, don't even think abt doing anything!"
He said with a spatula in his hand.

"But kookie... Ggukie isn't here for few days, atleast let me stay like this for these few days! Let me give u pleasure...."
He whined.

(So Taekook were married for 4 years, they have a little cute daughter Ggukie, as she is little, they had to give her time, so they couldn't make much personal time for eachother, and our Tae is a total pervert for his Kook, so he had to control himself bcz of his daughter. Yesterday Yoonmin came to their house, Jimin knew his soulmate's pervertness, so he thought of helping him to spend some time alone with Kook. So Yoonmin took Ggukie with them for few days, and.... Tae... broke his ass last night... after a long time😏)

"I don't need so much pleasure, and w8 don't u have office! Why are u being a pervert here! Go get ready!"

"Can I not go today my pretty hubby?"
Tae said with puppy eyes. Kook cooed at him but only from inside.

"No go get ready, I'm preparing brekky" Tae pouted, then left to upstairs.

After awhile he came back wearing office dress. Breakfast was ready, they had their breakfast. Then Kook helped Tae to wear his tie. Tae was staring at him fondly, then they shared a passionate kiss. Tae said,
"I'll come back soon ok bub?"
Kook hummed with smile.

"Oh i forgot to tell u, yugyeom hyung is coming today"


"Don't know, he said he has something to ask..."

"Ok, I'll be back soon, bye...."

It was 7 pm when doorbell rang, Kook opened the door to find Yugyeom standing there, they came to living room. After almost 15 minutes Tae also came back. He went straight to living room to find his bub and Yugyeom talking and laughing.

He sat beside Kook, kook flinched a bit.
"When u came?"

"Just now bub...., What're u talking abt?"

"Nothing much, just abt university things"

"Hello hyung"
Yugy said.

"Hi yugy, after a long time"

"Tae go take a shower"
Kook said

"Have u showered yet?"
Tae asked.


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