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Kim Taehyung was seen to be in his cabin, eyes travelling on a file in his hands. His handsome face glowing sunkissed. His dark brown hair covering his brows, body covered in gray suit with white shirt beneath and black pants. Without even trying he was pulling off his godly look like always.

He wasn't alone in the room, one of her female employees was there too who actually brought the file for checking, but now was staring at his handsome looks

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He wasn't alone in the room, one of her female employees was there too who actually brought the file for checking, but now was staring at his handsome looks.

Taehyung looked up hearing her.


"No sir.. just.. I felt like someone pulled my hair"
Taehyung stared for two seconds before he looked at the file again.

"This is okay, carry on with the next works"
He handed her back who nodded before leaving the room still dumbfounded.

Taehyung extended his arm to take the tea cup from the table but it was suddenly lift up in air and was moving towards him. It stopped just near.

Taehyung called with his deep voice and the cup was put back on table and then he felt a body colliding with him as someone sat on his lap.

He waited till the other was visible to him who was staring at him with his doe eyes, arms around his neck as he sat facing him over his lap. Taehyung's hand travelled to hold his lower back.

"Missed me?"
Jungkook asked wiggling his brows.

"How can I not?"

"I did too.. a lot"
Taehyung smiled at him.

"You pulled her hair?"

"She was staring at you, why won't I? No one stares at my husband except me"
Jungkook said proudly. Taehyung just stared at his pretty face with a soft yet smirky smile.

"Such a naughty demon you are"

"I know right?"
Jungkook shrugged playing with his nape hair.

"You didn't sleep well, did you?"

"You know it's hard for me to sleep without you baby"
Jungkook leaned and kissed his head.

"How's it now at your place?"

"It's better now, they were fighting for no reason actually, it was the council's plan to keep the thugs away but it kinda backfired"

"You didn't get hurt right?"

"Nope! You know my strength Kim"

"Ofcourse I do, who else will know your strength more than me? Even I get tired, but your ass doesn't"
Jungkook smirked proudly. Taehyung patted his butt.

"My ass didn't get you for like.. two weeks huh?"

"Did it miss me a lot?"

"Way too much.. are you free tonight Mr Kim?"

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