Top gets punishment

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12:20 am-
A certain male is sitting on a couch inside of his house looking at the clock time to time; probably waiting for someone. He seemed worried but he was calm, he also seemed like having a straight face which he shouldn't normally have after seeing his husband getting so late to come back home.

After almost 15 minutes finally the doorbell rang notifying that there is someone at the door. The certain male got up from the couch and left towards the main door. He first looked through the door viewer to confirm; when he found a familiar person, he slowly opened the door.

There was standing another male in his blue suit. Though he looked pretty tired and maybe even a little bit drunk, he still had a great boxy smile after seeing his husfie. The younger male moved a little to let his husband come inside.

That's when the elder frowned. Cause it's not normal at all. Normally his husfie would welcome him with a hug followed by a kiss, but this time none of this happened.

Yeah, he expected his husfie to be little mad, as he is pretty late and he couldn't inform as his phone's battery was down. But the younger didn't look mad, rather he was having a unreadable expression.

He didn't question, and came inside with his office bag. Then dropped it on the couch where the younger was siting awhile ago. Then he dropped himself on the couch and moved his head when his husfie went inside the kitchen.
"Baby I had my dinner already, just gimme water..."
The elder informed his husfie.

The younger was about the heat the food, but stopped hearing this. Actually he should be angry hearing this, but no, his expressions still didn't change. He put the food in the refrigerator, then took a glass of mineral water and went to his husband who was almost dozing off on the couch.

The younger didn't call him, he just put the glass on the table infront of the elder. It made a small sound which took his husband's attention. The elder looked towards him with a small smile and said a 'thank you baby' before gulping down the whole glass.

"Baby you ate your dinner?"
The elder asked giving the glass to his husfie. The younger only nodded, then left to put it in on the dining table.

The elder could feel something was wrong, he could see his husfie wasn't mad about him getting late, it was some other matter. But he thought as he was little drunk, he shouldn't talk abt this right now, it's better to talk after taking a bath. Atleast he will be little stress-free after the bath, his head is already occupied about a thing which shouldn't have happened and he didn't have the guts to tell his husfie. So, he wanted to calm himself down before asking the younger about his problem. He got up from the couch and noticed his husfie coming out of the dinning room.

"Baby, I'm gonna take a shower ok?"
Younger nodded.
The elder took the stairs and went to their shared bedroom and went inside the bathroom after taking few comfortable clothes.

Soon the younger also came in the room. He had taken a shower few hours ago, so he just changed into his night dress and went under the duvet. Normally he would wait for his husband to complete his bath, but today he wasn't feeling like doing that. He was feeling a heavy feeling in his head, so he just covered himself full and closed his eyes to sleep.

The elder came out after a proper bath and found his husfie already sleeping. He came near him and saw his angelic face. He sighed a little as he had thought about talking now, but it seems younger was sleepy. So he patted the younger's hair softly and said

"I love you Koo, sleep well"
He himself then came inside the duvet and hugged his husfie from the back side, not so tightly. He inhaled his smell and went into dreamland.

Next morning the younger was the first one to get up. He moved a little and blinked to adjust the light. He felt something on his body, when he looked it was his husband's hand. He moved his head a little and looked at his handsome husband. A smile was almost going to form on his lips, but before that, he remembered something which made his face blank again.

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