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Warning: M-preg
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"Kim Taehyung!"
The named guy's ears perked up as he ran in a light speed upstairs to their bedroom. There is husband was sitting on the bed with an empty bowl on his lap and with a pout. He looked really cute with his round tummy and puffy cheeks, yes ofcourse if we ignore the fact that he was frowning.

"Yes baby? You need anything?"

He pointed to the empty bowl.

"You finished it? Baby you shouldn't eat so much icecream at a time"
But he regretted saying that. Jungkook made a crying pouty face.

"You don't love me"

"Uh..n-no baby, I was saying for your good"
Taehyung sat down beside the male who was throwing tantrums.

"I wan' icecream"
He looked at Taehyung with glossy eyes and Taehyung cursed himself for being this whipped. He sighed and pecked his forehead.

"I'll bring, but this is last time today ok?"
Jungkook nodded like a child. Taehyung had to give him two big scoops of chocolate ice-cream.



"It's been almost four months"
Taehyung noticed Jungkook staring at his belly. He smiled and put his hand on top of it.

"Hm.. our baby is getting bigger day by day"
He leaned to his tummy.

"Dada can't wait to see you angel"
Jungkook's heart swelled everytime Taehyung called their child angel. He stared at Taehyung's happy face while talking with their little one. Lastly Taehyung pecked on his tummy and kissed his lips.

"What do you think? Girl or boy?"

"I don't have problem with any, I'll love them equally"
His voice had so much truth.

"Baby? Your lactating period will start soon right?"

"I think so"

"Tell me if you have any problem"

"I will"
Taehyung kissed his hands.

"You look so much more beautiful now, your skin looks so bright baby"

"You mean I wasn't beautiful before?"
He glared at him.

"No no, you were always beautiful, but now when you're carrying our angel, you're more beautiful now"
Jungkook pouted but smiled anyway. Taehyung was used to these. He had faced worse in first three months, good that his mood swings were getting better.


Jungkook tugged on Taehyung's tshirt. They were in a small office gathering, mostly to congratulate the couple. Jungkook wasn't feeling really fine from awhile.


"Can we go home?"

"Are you okay?"

"Um yes, maybe"

"Baby tell me, what's wrong?"

"I feel weird.. can we go?"

"Yeah ok, wait, I'll tell Namjoon hyung, we will leave then"
Jungkook nodded and then bowed slightly to few people who greeted him.

"Let's go"
Taehyung came back and they took their leave. He carefully made Jungkook sit on the passanger seat. Fortunately, the ride wasn't for long. Jungkook was really feeling weird, he wanted to take off the loose shirt he was wearing, his body wasn't feeling fine.

Taehyung called putting a hand on his thigh, but Jungkook didn't seem to notice. His brows were furrowed as he clutched onto his dress.

"Talk to me Kook"
Taehyung was getting worried.

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