Polaroid Love

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One month passed on and it was time for the big championships in the school. It was going to be year versus year and the class that made it will go on. The game started at seven in the evening and everyone came to watch. The managers were hyping their class to do well and for them not to give up.

"Okay! The best in three rounds with ten minutes!" Marinette exclaimed to class C7. "Make sure to stick to the plan of action and do good. Also, what is a team without a captain?"

"A team captain for class C7 basketball team?" Zhao asked.

"Yeah, Hao would you be the team captain?"

Hao's face lit up. "Me?"

"Simp!" Ben yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Hissed Hao.

"Yes, I have good faith in Hao that he would lead you guys. Now do good out there and ignore the other team's snarky comments. Come on guys you can do this. I will cheer for you all."

The team nodded and went out on the court. They saw that class B7 basketball team had a white uniform with their last names and numbers printed in black. Class B7 saw that class C7 basketball team had a smoky gray uniform with their last names and numbers printed in white.

"They look good." Van wheezed.

"Uniforms don't create a stronger person." Travis growled under his breath.

Hao and Adrien came up to the half way point on the court making eye contact with each other. "Class C7 won't lose."

"How do you know?" Adrien hissed.

"Because Cheng senpai is cheering for us."

"Go!" The referee threw the ball up in the air and the two jumped up to reach the ball. Adrien got the ball in time, shoving past Hao, slam dunking the ball in the basket.

"One point for class B7!"

"You're wrong so far Hao." He walked past him.

"Don't hold your breath."

They went back to the half way point and once when the ball appeared the game started. This time Hao was able to reach the ball, taking off with it scoring it with a slam dunk.

"One point for class C7!"

"Take that sunshine." He jeered passing him.

"Shut up and play."

The game went on and on first round, class B7 won. There was a ten minute break then they went back on for round two. This time class C7 won, then the last game was on. Let's just say that the last game was intense and very intense when it hit one minute. The score was:

B7: 23            C7: 21

Though class C7 was able to score two more points so they were tied. The time was going down and there was twelve seconds remaining. Both teams were trying their best to win and Kagami was yelling for them to make it to the basket. Though Marinette had enough of it, so then she yelled. "YOU BETTER WIN THIS OR ELSE I WILL SPANK YOU HAO AND ADRIEN!"

They both looked at her in shock after what she just said. Only then something grew inside of them. They felt stronger than ever. Hao shoved past him with all his might, dribbling the ball to the enemy's basket. He threw the ball towards the hoop, but Adrien jumped to block it. Though he wasn't high enough and the ball made it in. Then the timer buzzed and class C7 won. Hao was out of breath looking at Marinette who looked at him with her eyes filled of victory. She was proud.

He smiled at her before he fell to the ground. She rushed up to him leaning over him, requesting Ben to get her, the medical supplies. "It was almost like we lost the battle, but won the war." Van sighed.

Slowly he came back to consciousness and felt a cold wet towel get pressed against his forehead. "Hey you're awake.

"MARI! I—WHAT HAPPENED?!" He sat up to quick getting a sharp pain to the head.

"Hey take it easy Hao, Hao." Teased Travis with a slight playful mock behind his words.


"Anyways, we won so...an achievement is achieved." Ben took out his phone posting something on his Instagram.

Someone tapped Marinette's shoulder and spun around to see it was Adrien. "I lost so can you spank me?"

She turned red getting up, grabbing him by the wrist. She pulled him to the locker room, slamming the door behind her. "Okay now listen can we just..."

Only then he took off his shirt revealing an eight pack. "You can do it hard. Just don't tell Kagami about this."



"Listen I didn't mean to say that, but the answer is no. I need to go check up on Hao now." She started to wall away until she tripped over a duffel bag and luckily she didn't fall. Though she realized that Adrien caught her and his hand was on her boob. She saw that her hand was on his chest and pack, it looked like they were doing something. "Nice boob. Kagami's boobs are too small."

She pulled away from him in anger. "NO, NO, NO, NOT NICE! I AM OUT, WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THIS!"

When she exited the locker room she ran into Kagami who gave her a stink eye. "Hey Kagami...I was just getting something so...see yah."

Kagami watched her go off to Hao. She went into the locker rooms to see that Adrien had his shirt off looking at his phone. "Did you and Mari do something?"

"No, she just fell and I caught her." He didn't bother to look at her.


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