Chinese New Year

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Two months went by quickly and it was February first, Chinese New Year. That was the day when Adrien worked up the courage to tell Kagami something. At the end of school after basketball practice, he went up to Kagami.

"Hey Adrien. Wanna do something, since it's Chinese New Year?" Kagami suggested.

"Can we talk?"


"I think we should break up."

"What, why?"

"It's not working out Kagami. It's not like we had anything between us and I feel like—"

"You're dumping me?!"

"Yes, you just picked that up?"

"Why?! I thought you loved me?!"

"Let me just put it in a short way. I never really loved you. I just dated you because I needed a distraction and a use of jealousy towards my ex so she'll come back. I can tell that she is jealous already so I am out."

"Y-you used me...all this time."

"Face it Kagami. I have changed and I know you really don't love me. So it all works out in the end. Anyways, see yah around." He started to walk away until he stopped. "Oh also, I was never your kitty and I you were never my lady."

It was eight at night and Marinette and Hao went to the New Years festival. Class C7 came along too and had their own shares. Ying, Deb and Nana were trying their best to get Mei and Ben together so they made them find a boba stand together. The boys were too busy sitting on the bench trying to see what the fun was in the festival.

"Fireworks are going off at nine." Feng pointed out.

"I get that." Nicky sighed, lying her head on his lap.

"Since when you guys were dating?!" Exclaimed Lu.

"Never. This is just to get someone jealous so they can be dumb enough to date her." Feng sighed.


"Don't give me sass."

Ben and Mei walked along side with each other with an awkward silence. "Hey listen, I'm sorry what happened at the arcade and I should have stayed with you. I know I am apologizing so late, but I just don't know what to say. I mean you are a great person and...I get nervous when I'm around you." He said.

"Same with me too. Also, thanks for inviting me to the arcade. Sorry for saying thank you so late too." She felt her face get hot.

"I'm not friends with them anymore."

"What? I'm sorry I should have just—"

"No, no it's fine. You were the one who made me realize I was better off without them and they were not the best friends to have around. Honestly, I guess I was just being desperate."

"But I though you had friends?"

"I do, but I don't know what I was thinking. I wanted someone to understand what I was saying and I want them to care. I was fooling myself and they weren't the type that you would like to stick with."


They stopped at the bridge, looking out at the water. He looked at her as his eyes shined. Was she ever this pretty? He placed his hand on her hand and her head turned to face his. " you love me?"

"Yes, yes Mei I love you. I really care for you, you're the person who I care for the most. I've waited long enough." His lips met her lips with a shocking sensation of something that has just been confirmed for a long time.

Hao and Marinette sat on the stone steps looking at the moon. "I've never done this before." She said.


"Yeah, first time. Though I am honored that my first time here was with class C7 and mostly you. I really appreciate that."

He blushed at the statement. "Thanks Mari." She smiled at him, taking down her Chinese bun, letting her hair fall. "M-mari you look great with your hair down and that kimono is cute on you. Not saying that you're not cute every day."

"I get it. I always get that statement from..."

He saw that she was getting teary eyed and he didn't want to see her breakdown when she was experiencing something that only existed in her imagination. Quickly he embraced her in his arm, burying his face in her shoulder. "Don't look back Mari...please. I can't stand to see your ocean eyes."

"Hao?" She whispered closing her eyes, pulling him in deeper. Suddenly the fireworks went off and they both turned to see the amazing blasts of color fill the night sky.

Eyes met and mouths inched closer they were close until...

"Hey Hao Hao, did you see that red one?" Wang asked walking towards them.


Close one...thought Marinette.

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