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Saturday came along and Eric was hanging with one of his old friends from his childhood who he grew up with. Chaoxiang Liao was two years older than him and a great businessman. His parents ran the biggest shipping company which brought in so much income. Chaoxiang knew Eric well and he knew that he had always been that way his whole life when the Teng family had a certain family event. "I don't know why you decided to stop over at my place." Said Chaoxiang.

"Well, I knew you were in Paris so I decided to stop by. Anyways, I might've found a useful girl who will help bring up my business."

"Not surprised. You always had an eye for using people to get what you want. Even if you were to hurt someone."

"Aw, you know me so well."

"It wasn't a compliment. So, who is this girl?"

"Does Marinette Cheng ring a bell?"

"Prig, you're using her? Her mom is like up there, she is well known and so is her daughter. What are your intentions?"

"I thought you would know."

"You usually change it."

"Ah, true fact. Playing with money is like playing with fire. One wrong move and you're dead. Since she is the hit star of a famous wealthy woman she would be fire if she was featured on a front page of a magazine cover. I can already see the title saying: 'Sabine Cheng's daughter in Eric Teng's business' you know? She will be the greatest tool of mine for my business to surpass my other three brothers' businesses. I will be the star of the Teng dynasty even if I have to hurt a few people in the process."

"You're doing this just to surpass your brothers?"

"That's only half of it. Also, to surpass my parents and to prove them all wrong. I still remember when we had the big family dinner of the Tengs and we discussed our business dreams. I was the one who got crapped on and no, I felt no pity. The whole business family rivalry is all for respect and who is better than the other one."

"I will never see why I was ever friends with you, but I am not the one encouraging it."

"Come on Chaoxiang. With so much at stake...are you willing to take on in ten thousand chance?"

He gave his friend the stern cold hard look eyes and looked down. "Who is she to you?"

"Who? Cheng-san?"

"Why do you say san? We are Chinese, she's Chinese. How much time are you spending in Japan?"

"Oh, to me she is an advantage and possibly someone who will make me happy."

"Don't deceive her like what you did to the woman who helped us all develop into who we are today. I still recall you having a certain fling for her until you found out she slept with someone else."

"Oi, don't make it look like she dumped me."

"Just mend your ways and stop causing trouble for everyone else. You just pulled Marinette and Adrien in your troubles. Have you talked to Hao recently?"

"Yeah, he reads me like a book like you do."

"Now you pulled him into your troubles too. Don't put needless ideas like what you do to our helper and our boss we share business with. Along with other wealthy famous parents of class C7. Daiyu Xiong doesn't need anymore trouble right now."

"I haven't seen her in two weeks. I have to fly up and and see her. Probably to rework her brain. Anyways, I have been working on a book. Wanna see?"


"Please Cha Cha, I have been working on this."

"Don't call me that."

"Just look at it."

"Fine." He mumbled while he took a little paper back book out of his jacket. There it was titled: Breathe.

"Tell me how you like it." Eric was like an excited immature child and it worked to his advantage. When you got to know him more he was sly and manipulative. He took the book from him and started reading the back. "Can't wait until the time has come."

"Eric, have you ever just stopped and thought how this will hurt her?"

"I have many times and I do feel bad. Yet, she caught it upon herself and she's caught now. Nothing else now." He spoke with a grim smile like what he always did. It was rare not to see him smile. "I have to head now. Tell me how you like the book and I need it back."

"Okay then. Just don't cause trouble. Good bye Eric."

When Eric got back home his phone rang once when he walked in his home. "Hello?" He answered it.

"Eric, Daiyu is calling for you come and see her." Said the man on the phone.

"Chris Huynh, never thought I'll here your voice."

"Now is not the time. She wants to meet with you about business terms."

"I see that you are still by her side ever since she slept with you. For Daiyu's sake...back then and this time too?"

He rested his head on the window. "Eric, I believe you know how you feel about her. And I know that you also hate me, but—"

"Yes, I do hate you. I hate you a lot. Hate is not a strong enough word for me to use when describing you."

"Still, I want to ask you not to cut off Daiyu. The one she wants to be with her has always been..." He trailed off in the end. "Just fly down to Hong Kong."

"I'll be there then. Not because of you, but because of her." He hung up and started to call in his jet. It was going to be a long night.

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