The Evening Primrose

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The Chengs arrived to the Agreste mansion in divine richness. Sabine wore a modern see through light blue kimono with little white flowers. She wore light blue high heels. There was light blue outlining on the kimono and her hair was neat and short. Marinette wore a baby pink Dior dress, with linen high heels and her hair was up in a Chinese styled bun. It was a shoulder dress and there was nothing covering her back from behind up to the waist. They entered the mansion into the main entrance. Sabine looked around while Mari stood there besides her mother nervously.

I hope this will be quick, Sabine thought.

There came down Gabriel Agreste in a classic, white and black Hugo Boss tuxedo. Adrien was at his father's side wearing a black and white Tom Ford suit, but he had on a tie unlike his father who wore a bow tie. Like both of the Agreste men, their hair was slicked back.

"Good evening Ms. Cheng. Please, follow me to the dining room." Gabriel spoke with a seductive charm to him along with a greedy grin.

Sabine forced a smile at him, even though she wanted to smack that smile off his face. She walked by his side into the dining room while Adrien walked by Marinette's side. "Do I look sexy senpai?" He whispered to her.

"Wha...?" She was completely caught off guard.

Gabriel sat on the far end of the table with his son, facing Sabine with her daughter. "I assured you on the phone that there will be a seven course dinner, right?" Gabriel rose his eyebrow.

"Yes, so let's talk about business." She spoke, putting her napkin in her lap.

"How about not in front of the kids. Let's talk about stocks and news about celebrities and stuff."

"Why? Do you think they are going to meddle in our business? Do you think they aren't old enough to learn about what we do? They are going into junior year of high school Mr. Agreste."

"I didn't invite someone to come in my house to insult me and how I raise my son." He scowled at her across the table getting mad.

"Fine, I was trying to spare you some living hell, but now you're going to face the living hell when we are finished with this seven course dinner. Anyways, which stocks did you invest in Mr. Agreste?"

After a seven course dinner Adrien and Marinette exited the dinning room up to his room. Gabriel and Sabine went into the lounge room to discuss about business. "So, Ms. Cheng...shall we start?" Gabriel asked taking a sip of wine while relaxing in a chair, facing her.

"With pleasure." She nodded her head.

"Ah, yes. Start first, please my guest."

"I have been debating on this topic on calling you out on this."

"Why," he scoffed, "my son offered her to be in it and she wanted too. Where are we now?"

"Yes, I know. Though you were planning to put her in your photoshoot for a France Vogue. Honestly, why aren't you sponsoring your own brand?"

"My dear, when the Agrestes get offered something just take it."

"Don't call me your dear."

"Fine. Overall, I am going to make it official."

"Hold up. I am not just yet because—"

"But how'd you know about it?" He interrupted.

"Secrets are never kept. Gabriel, just listen to me. You caused many scandals and scams. Back in seventh grade this one girl kept on picking on me and hurting me physically and made me think we were friends. One day when she hurt me leaving a giant welt on my arm with a rubber band I snapped and told the teacher. She was pissed at me, but she should've not been caught by me when she had the chance."

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