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Thursday arrived and Marinette knew that she had to do it. The whole entire day she was planning to tell Adrien that she will announce proudly that she was his girlfriend since she already overcame her fears after a little bit of pep talk. Though when she saw him she froze and didn't know what to do.

I promised to myself that when I see him that I will tell him, but I don't to see him making him think that I will never be good enough for him. Just hearing his name he like a stab to the chest.

During gym his eye caught her and he slowly started to approach her. She saw him approaching her and she started to freak out. Suddenly someone grabbed her by the wrist pulling her to the locker room. Adrien stopped in his tracks, clenching his fist, sighing.

"OKAY MARI. YOU ARE A WITNESS SO..." It was no other than Mei and she was fairly tense than usual.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Mari asked in confusion.

"Did Mei get drunk?" Travis asked.

"Why is he asking this?" Asked Mari.

"He keeps saying that it's impossible for me to have a sip of alcohol without getting high."

"You guys are really arguing about this?"

"He started it."

"Fine, Mei didn't get drunk. Okay? See yah now." When she closed the door she heard Mei's victory cry along with Travis' scoffs.

By the end of the day Hao had to skip out of basketball practice because he had to get something done. There was really no exact explanation. Though basketball went on and many of the class B7 girls were there watching them play because they heard many things happen there.


He ignored the statement of love from Lila and just stood on the sidelines. Lila walked towards him and placed her hands on his cheeks. Then to Mari's shock of surprise she kissed him on the lips. Anger grew inside of her, she wanted to yell something, but nothing came out. All what she did was just walk away in anger into the locker room.

I'm too late.

"Oi." She spun around seeing it was no other than Adrien. "I saw you storm out when you saw Lila kiss me."

"You don't gotta rub that in." She shot out coldly.

"Nothing is going on between us at all. It has been a few weeks and now we start talking."


"Adrien listen to me. I'm sorry for not giving you a good reason why I don't want to tell everyone that we're dating. The reason why is because I feel like that I am not good enough and I am a coward too because of my mom. Though after thinking about it along with some pep talk from my friends...I realize now that I am proud to say that you are my boyfriend. But maybe for the first time I know that I am enough. I am so honored to have you and I'm sorry for shoving you away without telling you what was on my mind." She was red with embarrassment and only love for him. "I-I can tell you now what's on my mind...and..."

Before she could finish her sentence he embraced her in a hug. "I knew you would come around senpai. I was longing for your arms. I love you."

"I know you do..."

"You don't know how much." He started to move his mouth to her ear starting to stick out his tongue.

"You're right...I don't. You don't know how much either."

Suddenly the door swung up and there stood Alya and Lila along with Kim. Adrien looked at them with hard eyes and in a split second her kissed Marinette on the lips. "WHAT!" Lila screamed.

Alya got out her phone starting to record a live on her Instagram. This time everyone was at the dood watching them. He pulled away whispering to her. "I love you so dam much."


"Two months. Adrien is my boyfriend." Mari spoke.

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" Nana hissed.

"Nah, but thanks for the pep talk. Anyways, get ready to be on the front covers tomorrow."

"BUT ADRIEN I LOVE YOU!" Lila cried out.

"Why are you so dramatic?" Adrien scoffed.


"NO HE'S MINE!" Lila yelled.

"I'm senpai's."

"HER?!" They both yelled.

"Dam, let's go senpai." He slung his bag over his shoulder handing her, her bag while he took her by the hand getting her out of the locker room.

In minutes, the media blew up with Adrien Agreste's new girlfriend, Marinette Cheng and everyone was going crazy. Back at Hao's place he finished talking with his father before he had to fly to Japan. When he looked on his phone, he saw the news about Adrien and Marinette's secret two month relationship. He threw his phone across the room in anger. "You're on Agreste."

That night Marinette had to give Adrien what he longed for, for two weeks. There he sat on her couch watching her set up the Twister mat. "Okay Adrien, this is the game you want to play?" She sighed.

"Yep. Do you wanna go first?" He got up.

"Sure." She spun the arrow and there it landed. "Right foot green." She placed her foot down and handed him the spinner.

"Right hand red."

Sometime later ten minutes passed and they were already in an awkward position. She was technically on top of him while he was underneath her. "Okay, now I feel like that you did this on purpose." She huffed.

"I'm already tired."

"WAIT NO. ADRIEN." Before her words got out he wrapped his legs around her torso pulling her down on top of him where their bodies met.

"Before you say anything. I'm just glad my prayers came around in the end. I prayed that you would tell everyone that I was yours before we moved onto junior year of high school."

"That's the least I can do..."

"Can we kiss? It's been so long."

"We just kissed like a few hours ago."

"That seems like a long time. I already miss your kisses. Can we kiss please?"

"Fine." She leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

"Hey, if anyone asks why you have kept it a secret, keep it a secret from them."

"I will."

"Also tell me what was on your mind because I cut you off there when we were in the lockers."

"You just brought that up now?"



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