chapter 2 : Another bickering

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Suggesting me to leave you in these blazing flames of conspiracies ,
Seems that you forgot
who we are,
Lovers who gonna to stuck together,
even when death came over .


Morning have long arrived as sun can be literally felt on head

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Morning have long arrived as sun can be literally felt on head .
Blazing it rays from top, it was making entire palace to give aesthetic vibes .

A three storey palace giving royal feel with the works of  rocks and a vast garden of roses was clearly justifying it's luxury.

But, this is not what required attention as the actual intrest is in the room, whose balcony was just opening above this garden giving beautiful view of city which is sorrounded by lush trees and rivers .

That room shows the exotic charms with it's looks . In a single glance anyone can say it belong to a man. A sitting area with books lying on back shelves and fire glass lamps in side was already telling about the hobbies of that someone.

While the bed platform sorrounded by white curtains were already making it little sensual under the charms of gentle wind .

On the other side of curtain , A  man's reflection could be seen in the full mirror which was having carving of wood on it's border .

His well built torso is wrapped under the white shirt , which was trying hard to hold to the perfect built musles.

Still the three open buttons were giving a perfect view of his perfect abes . If his abes were making him hot , then his wet black hair were giving him a sexier look .

A fair brown complexions with deep brown eyes and addictive lips . In one word , he is looking too handsome to be from this world.

Two ladies were helping him with his black casual jacket , and his accessories . They were busy in doing their work hiding those blushes of their face, when a loud voice diverted them ,

" O my god ! You are gonna to take lives , karan !"

Well! That voice belongs to none other than Kavin , supporting himself on the door frame , he was standing there with a mischievous smirk.

While , listening him karan moved his hand to wear his jacket , signalling ladies to go out giving them privacy .

Coming out from white curtains which were busy in flying over each other due to pace wind , he raised his brow at him, while smiling Kavin entered and said,

" I am saying , if I were a girl , I have already married you ."

"That's why you are not."

" Hey ! you don't have to say that , what if my single heart got broken ."

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