chapter 32

518 81 18

Running away from Devil ,
Still always ending with ,
it's beast,
Don't tell me , You still
don't got what ,
We are ,
A Devil and an angel ,
Falling off the deal .


Hold your pillow tight , cause we are going to take today's flight . Also , please vote , targets aren't completing . So , let's begin it ..

Midnight was at it's peak , while wind were still loud

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Midnight was at it's peak , while wind were still loud . With a loud screech , a car just stopped in front of Raichand palace , taking the chilliness of weather away , along with the dreadful silence.

Window glasses of car were up , which was making it difficult to know who is inside but , seems that it is not going to be big mystery , atleast not for long.

As , soon car's gate were opened , and a luxury shoe came out , along with it's owner . Black pants with white shirt , and messed hair , kavin was looking handsome as hell with his looks but a depressed buddy with his face .

Anybody can say that , he is worried . But , question is why this free soul seems so worried . His gaze seems to stuck on palace .

Even though his attire was far better but still their condition were saying , he came in hurry but , again , if it's true then why his feets still seems to be glued .

Coming in front of those iron gates , with slow steps . He stopped in front of them , don't know why he can't keep his eyes away from the palace , hope he is not in love .

With little shakeness he lifted his hands towards those gates with hesitation in his eyes , but getting he have to get karan and Teja , finally he decided to go in .

With a deep breath , he took the hold of those cold Iron gates , and opened them with a loud screeching sound .

This sound had made his skin to rise with goosebumps , But , avoiding it only as a background effect in some horror movie . He decided to continue his journey .

Observing sorrounding with his penetrating gaze , he was moving with slow and steady steps , praying every ghost to stay away from him .

But , suddenly his gaze accidentally moved down to his shoes , which made his eyes to go wide in shock .

Rather than water , there was a blood river , which is flowing on the ground after rain, and thanks to his stars his feets were above them .

Seeing the horric scene , he stumbled back in shock , even falling on his butt in the procedure .

Lifting his hands up to wipe sweat from his face , he stopped in it's way , his palms were red with blood . Panic had taken over his senses , wiping his palms on his white shirt , he moved his gaze around .

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