chapter 42

556 69 16

Trying to ignore your
jealousy ,
Come on ! Babes ,
who do you think it's
for ..


Rain have gone paving a way for beautiful morning

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Rain have gone paving a way for beautiful morning . A clear blue sky with beautiful white clouds , and little whitish fog in sorrounding were too refreshing to everyone's soul .

While , Initial sun rays coming through the canopies of trees , were just too golden to go unnoticed . These rays arrival were just spilting this fog apart .

On the other side those rain drops resting at leaves were just scattering sun rays with perfect tyndall effect , making themselves as bright as some invaluable diamonds .

While , lake was acting as a mirror , showing the reflection of entire sky down in water , it seems as if , sky have descended down on earth .

And , Birds were busy in taking their flight with their groups , forming beautiful patterns with their chirping , making evident to everyone that stromy night had passed and it's time to face a new day .

But , between this beautiful scenario , a body is lying lifelessly on the long stairs of lake . His face is drained out of tears , and clothes have already little dried after drenching in the night rain .

Lying like a drunkard without wine bottle , he is lying carelessly , with messed looks . Dust was on him , nobody can say after seeing him , that he is young prince of this prosperous estate .

The Great Karan Sisodia !! Who used to stood strong like some Iron pillar , is all fallen like some palace of cards .

Prince had been drowned head over heals in the pool of love , and the only shore is nowhere to seen .

He was sleeping , unaffected from his surroundings , when suddenly out of nowhere sounds of steps were heard in this silence .

And , a pair of brown expensive shoes came in view , pressing the wet ground down from his feets , those steps seems too confident to stumble .

Passing through each stairs , those pair of shoes stopped in front of karan's sleeping figure , giving a light kick at his shoulder , he tried to wake him but , karan was unmoved .

Getting he is not going to wake up any time soon he took his feets back and as soon he did that , a strong punch striked karan's face , making him startle with sudden force , and he falled back .

Tasting metallic taste of his blood along with a strong punch , he collected himself with a Ahh !! And , turned in his frustration ,

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