chapter 43

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Having bitter wine down
To my throat,
Watching your moves from,
the top floor,
Maybe , I'm cold hearted from other eyes,
But, for today ,
I want to see myself different from your brows ..


In the room of little dampness , a body was seen on the warm mattress , covered with numerous blankets , he was sorrounded by numerous , medicinal paste's bowl

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In the room of little dampness , a body was seen on the warm mattress , covered with numerous blankets , he was sorrounded by numerous , medicinal paste's bowl .

There were bandages over him .
And , beside him another body can be seen , sleeping silently , making sure to stay away from those injuries .

And , Between this darkness , windows were the only source of light , which were giving little visibility in the room .

Even though , it was small but , still it was cozy . Flowers and jingling chandler's were saying it belong to a cute girl .

And , in girl's room , this sleeping body is none other than , Akul ! While , girl with him is still an unknown .

That place was filled with silence , only sounds of breath can be heard from non moving bodies but , suddenly out of nowhere , movement can be seen in lifeless body of Akul , and after no second he opened his eyes , and sat with a jerk .

But , feelings pain soon after his act, in every nook and corner of his body , a hiss automatically left his mouth . It's clear , he regretted it .

But , it seems his act grabbed someone's attention as a soft melodious sleepy sound went into his ear .

Voice : you woke !

Turning he saw , a face which was too close to him . She was busy in rubbing her eyes , and sunlight was directly falling on her face , making her brown skin to bright in shade of golden .

Her hairs were long , and totally messed , still these breezes were making her golden brown hair to flow on or in .

He was seeing her as some piece of art , when she removed her palms away from her beautiful eyes , which were shining like some glass crystals .

She was seeing him with her big amused almond eyes , and there was a cute pout over her face . While , for Akul , he don't know , why everything seems this slow .

He was in thoughts , when suddenly , unknown to his expectations , she sat on her knees and asked with her excitement filled voice ,

She : you are alive ?

Akul : I think , I'm .

Listening him , a frowned appeared on her face , and she lifted her palm , only to move it to his forehead , while seeing her act , he tried to move back , thinking she is going to slap him.

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